Scanning on campus

You can scan documents and have them sent via email using our printers.

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You can scan on campus in two ways: 

  • From the printers in the Library directly to your email
  • From the scanners in the Digital Media Suite to our Library computers


  1. Go to
  2. Click on Register as a New User
  3. Fill out the Register New User Account form with a valid email address then click on Register
  4. Once you have successfully created an account you get a screen like this below. You need to go to your personal email address that you have registered with papercut & validate your account
  5. Go to the Papercut printer and tap on the screen. Select Username and password
  6. Enter the username & password that you have set up on Paper Cut
  7. Place the sheet on the photocopier & Select Copy - Click on Copy
  8. Select the type of setting that you require: Eg. Black & White or Full Color
  9. Finally, click on Start to release the job from the printer

  1. Touch your card on the Green PaperCut reader 
  2. Tap on ‘Scan’ 
  3. It will autofill your goldsmiths email automatically 
  4. If need be, you can change the subject of the email and the filename of the file 
  5. You can also click on settings to access all the various settings 
  6. If you have multiple pages to scan, please tick the box that says “Prompt for more pages” 
  7. Once you are ready to scan, press the button that says “Start scanning” 
  8. Allow 5 minutes to receive your Document to your Goldsmiths email account 
  9. Access the email address you should find scan attached, Sent from