Staff in the Department of Law
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Staff list
Dimitrios Giannoulopoulos
d.giannoulopoulos (
Dimitrios is the Head of the Department of Law. His research centres on the criminal process and human rights.
Virginie Barral
V.Barral (
Virginie’s expertise is in international law focusing on sustainability, climate justice and culture & the environment
Dr Jinal Dadiya
J.Dadiya (
Jinal's research focuses on Health Law, Reproductive Justice, Romantic Injustices, Law & Emotions, & Private Law theory.
Dr Alex Dymock
A.Dymock (
Alex's research focuses on criminal law and criminal justice, sexuality, drugs, feminist and queer theory
Dr Nicole A. Pierce
N.Pierce (
Nicole's research interests cover areas of Commonwealth studies, Commercial Law reform, SIDS, and financial stability.
Dr Aysem Diker Vanberg
A.DikerVanberg (
Aysem’s research interests lie in EU and UK Competition Law (broadly commercial law) and Information Technology Law.
Dr Sheri Labenski
S.Labenski (
Sheri's research focuses on gender and feminist theory, and international law.
Dr Aristi Volou
a.volou (
Dr Volou's research lies in the field of international human rights law
Dr Dimitrios Kivotidis
d.kivotidis (
My work focuses on issues of Public Law, Human Rights, Law and Political Economy, and Critical Legal Theory.
Marta Minetti
m.minetti (
Marta's research focuses on Immigration Law, EU Criminal Law and Global Human Mobility and Populism studies.
Aaron Taylor
law (
Aaron is a commercial barrister. He works on the law relating to fraud & financial crime, and art & cultural property.