The Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJ)


The Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJ) is a charity committed to the education and training of journalists, editors and researchers towards critical in-depth reporting and defence of the public interest.

The Centre for Investigative Journalism provides and facilitates the education of the public and the community in the craft, culture and methodology of journalism, for the benefit of public integrity, accountability and an informed body politic.

To achieve this, we provide a centre of excellence in practical expertise and in-depth research resources for journalists, researchers, non-governmental organisations, graduate students and others interested in high standards of factual accuracy, fairness, ethics and professionalism. 

Through public fora, the provision of educational resources in history, politics, economics, health and environmental protection, government and the publication and dissemination of educational material, lectures, research, and hands-on training the CIJ assists journalism educational programmes across the UK and abroad.

The CIJ offers particular assistance to those working in difficult environments where freedom of the press is under threat and where reporting can be a dangerous occupation.

The founders and directors of the CIJ are motivated by a strong commitment to the principles of social justice, human rights, whistleblowing and the protection of the environment.

The key event in the CIJ calendar is the annual Summer School, formerly held at City University London and from 2014 held at Goldsmiths, University of London. Since its inception the school has attracted over 1000 journalists from 35 countries including Iraq, China, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Mexico and Serbia.

You can now watch all of Centre for Investigative Journalism's recorded sessions on the CIJ YouTube channel.

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Telephone: (020) 7717 2256

Centre for Investigative Journalism

Media Research Building

Goldsmiths, University of London

SE14 6NW