Dr James Burton

James examines areas of cultural theory, science fiction, post-humanism, ecology and theories of fiction.

Staff details

Dr James Burton


Lecturer in Cultural Studies and Cultural History


Media, Communications and Cultural Studies


j.burton (@gold.ac.uk)

James Burton is Lecturer in Cultural Studies and Cultural History.  His research interests include cultural theory, science fiction, posthumanism, process philosophy, ecology and theories of fiction.  He is the author of 'The Philosophy of Science Fiction: Henri Bergson and the Fabulations of Philip.K.Dick' and associate editor, alongside Erich Hörl, of 'General Ecology: The New Ecological Paradigm', (2017) a collection of theoretical essays on the contemporary imbrication of different kinds of ecology.


Arts and Cultural Theory (BA); Global Cultural Politics (BA); Cultural Studies and Capitalism (MA)

Areas of Supervision

Proposals are particularly welcome for theoretically-orientated critical research projects in the following and related areas:

  • Posthumanism
  • Ecology
  • Science Fiction and culture
  • Literature and Philosophy
  • Concepts and cultural forms of fiction 

Publications and research outputs

Book Section


Edited Book
