Dr Graham Harwood

Graham's work uses art as a mode of enquiry into technical objects in fields of health, war, oceans and death.

Staff details

Dr Graham Harwood


Reader in Critical Technical Practice


Media, Communications and Cultural Studies


g.harwood (@gold.ac.uk)

The artist group YoHa (Graham Harwood, Mastuko Yokokoji) are exponents of a form of Critical Technical Practice that is informed by pedagogy, collaborations and tinkering practice. YoHa’s work involves the use of art as a mode of enquiry into technical objects most recently within the fields of health, war, oceans and death.

The space of YoHa’s inquiry is usually populated by an interconnection of technical objects and other kinds of bodies as in a clinic, hospital, battlefield or at sea. The focus of this enquiry is where the flows of power can be reconfigured by the ambiguity of art, not necessarily to make art but to make use of it within a wider enquiry.

Publications and research outputs

Book Section

Art Object


