Staff in MCCS
In this section
Staff list
Dr Thomas Zacharias
t.zacharias (
Thomas researches into ‘race’ and racism, the production of difference in political discourse and diaspora identities.
Dr Daisy Asquith
d.asquith (
Daisy is a documentary filmmaker with 20 years’ experience making films for the BBC, Channel 4 and the BFI.
Ms Tracy Bass
t.bass (
An independent producer, Tracy has won international awards and a BAFTA nomination for her film CARE.
Laura Belinky
l.belinky (
Laura is a documentary film consultant and lecturer teaching at Goldsmiths since 2016
Ceiren Bell
c.bell (
A graduate from our BA Media and Communications, Ceiren is a freelance animator and convenes our Integrated Degree.
Dr Josephine Berry
j.berry (
Josephine has interests in the creative economy and the relationship between creativity, life and power.
Professor Lisa Blackman
l.blackman (
Lisa works at the intersection of body studies, media and cultural theory, particularly subjectivity and embodiment.
Arnold Borgerth-Filho
a.borgerth.filho (
Since 1980, Arnold has been working in three different areas of photography and teaches on the image and electronic arts.
Dr Clea Bourne
c.bourne (
Clea explores economies and market practices at the cross-section of media, cultural and market studies.
Dr Ergin Bulut
e.bulut (
Ergin researches the politics of work in cultural industries and affective dimensions of neoliberal-authoritarianism.
Dr James Burton
j.burton (
James examines areas of cultural theory, science fiction, post-humanism, ecology and theories of fiction.
Dr Jason Vincent A. Cabañes
j.cabanes (
Jason researches on media, migration, and multiculturalism as well as on digital media cultures in the global South.
Dr Sarah Cefai
s.cefai (
Dr Sarah Cefai specialises in affect studies vis-à-vis the critical and social epistemologies of feminism, queer theory and cultural studies.
Dr Louise Chambers
l.chambers (
Louise researches psychology, individuals and mass media, particularly regarding gender, sexual orientation and disability.
Dr Aleena Chia
a.chia (
Aleena researches cultures of creativity and digital labour in game production and computational wellness.
Professor Sue Clayton
s.clayton (
Sue is a UK feature film director, writer and composer. She has written and directed features, shorts and documentaries.
Professor Tim Crook
t.crook (
Tim has broad interests, from international media law and ethics to the dramaturgy of espionage and spy fiction.
Dr Laura Cuch
l.cuch (
Professor James Curran
j.curran (
James’ work falls into two linked areas: media history and media political economy.
Professor Aeron Davis
aeron.davis (
His research merges elements of political communications, economic sociology, cultural economy and financialization.
Lina Dencik
L.Dencik (
Lina researches the relationship between digital media and social change with a focus on the politics of data and AI
Dr Omega Douglas
omega.douglas (
Omega’s interests include race, journalism and critical approaches to the consequences of colonialism
Professor Tony Dowmunt
t.dowmunt (
Tony’s work has involved arts documentaries, alternative/community media and practice research in the moving image.
Ms Alice Dunseath
a.dunseath (
Alice works across diverse mediums ranging from video art and moving image to animation, live-action, and installations.
Professor Natalie Fenton
n.fenton (
Natalie's research interrogates the relationship between media, democracy and social change.
Professor Des Freedman
d.freedman (
Des Freedman is interested in media and power together with media policymaking, regulation and reform.
Professor Matthew Fuller
m.fuller (
Matthew is involved in a number of projects in art, software and media ecology and has written on media theory.
Bill Gabbett
b.gabbett (
Bill’s interests include the history of mass media and media representations of the Empire and its decline.
Professor Ivor Gaber
i.gaber (
Ivor is an Emeritus Professor of Broadcast Journalism in the Department.
Dr Ruth Garland
r.garland (
Ruth Garland's main research project is a longitudinal study of UK government communications from 1979 to date.
Dr Vana Goblot
v.goblot (
Vana has examined issues of television quality, cultural value and television archive in the digital, multiplatform age.
Dr Michael N Goddard
Michael.Goddard (
Michael researches film, contemporary television, popular music, digital screen cultures and their multiple relations
Dr Graham Harwood
g.harwood (
Graham's work uses art as a mode of enquiry into technical objects in fields of health, war, oceans and death.
Professor Julian Henriques
j.henriques (
My research and teaching are concerned with sound, technology, popular culture, affect theory and knowledge systems.
Dr Kathryn Claire Higgins
k.higgins (
Kat's work explores the mediated cultural politics of vulnerability, (state) violence, and contemporary feminisms.
Dr Adrian Hillman
ahill001 (
Dr. Hillman’s interests lie in the different elements that come into play in the construction of news.
Bruce Ingman
b.ingman (
Bruce is a writer and illustrator of children’s literature with interests in picture books and graphic novels.
Dr Feyzi Ismail
f.ismail (
Feyzi’s research interests include social movement strategy and organising, and the links between labour, politics and global development.
Jamie McCoan
j.mccoan (
Jamie McCoan is a professional film editor with over 25 years of experience.
Dr Wendy Jordan
w.jordan (
Wendy is an experienced music and media professional with particular interests in film music and music creativity.
Professor Sarah Kember
s.kember (
Sarah focusses on the future of publishing, digital media, smart media, feminist science and technology studies.
Dr Gholam Khiabany
g.khiabany (
Gholam studies the relationship between citizenship, political activism and media and cultural practices.
Terry Kirby
t.kirby (
After a long career in journalism, Terry co-convenes both the MA Journalism programme, on which he has taught for more than a decade and the recently launched the BA History and Journalism programme
Ms Tassia Kobylinska
t.kobylinska (
Tassia is a filmmaker who has produced and directed documentaries for a range of NGOs and INGOs worldwide.
Ellie Levenson
e.levenson (
A practising journalist and author, Ellie has written features and comment for most national newspapers, as well as consumer and business to business magazines and websites.
Professor Jo Littler
j.littler (
Jo's work analyses changing cultures of inequality in society in relation to gender, ‘race’ and class.
Jacob Love (
Jacob is an artist of photography, film, installation and dance, focussing on photography when encountered by bodies.
Dr Richard MacDonald
r.macdonald (
Richard is a media ethnographer who investigates infrastructure, publics and urban life.
Professor Mirca Madianou
m.madianou (
Mirca studies the social consequences of communication technologies, infrastructures and AI in a global south context.
Angela Mcrobbie
a.mcrobbie (
Angela McRobbie is a Fellow of the British Academy and has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Glasgow University.
Dr Akanksha Mehta
a.mehta (
Dr Mehta is a lecturer in Gender, Sexuality, and Cultural Studies and the co-director of the Centre for Feminist Research at Goldsmiths.
Dr Liz Moor
l.moor (
Liz's research examines the role of communication in economic life.
Dr Rachel Moore
r.o.moore (
Rachel's research covers early film history and theory, specifically the historical and contemporary avant-garde.
Professor David Morley
d.morley (
David's research spans questions of media technologies constituting the 'electronic landscapes' within which we live.
Callum Sol Morrissey
callum.morrissey (
Callum's research explores the intersections of identity, media, migration, and diaspora.
Dr Jacob Mukherjee
j.mukherjee (
Jacob works on social movements, political cultures and social media. He convenes MA Political Communications.
Hung Nguyen
h.nguyen (
Hung specialises in digital content strategy and has worked for the BBC attracting millions of audience members.
Damian Owen-Board
d.owen-board (
Damian is an artist working in photography and video whose work engages with queerness, architecture and belonging
Professor Angela Phillips
a.phillips (
Angela has forty years' experience as a journalist and successfully launched the local news site EastLondonLines.
Dr Marcela Pizarro Coloma
m.pizarro (
Marcela has worked as a journalist at Al Jazeera English and the AP in news and programmes around the world.
Nirmal Puwar BA MA PhD
n.puwar (
Nirmal's research is in space and politics, with respect to bodies, race and gender. She has been leading the field in creative methods, especially through curating spaces.
Dr Rashmee Roshan Lall
rashmee.roshanlall (
Rashmee is an experienced journalist who has worked on four continents, interpreting political news across cultures
Professor Catherine Rottenberg
C.Rottenberg (
Catherine's research investigates the convergence of feminism and neoliberalism as well as the politics of care
Dr Daniel Rourke
d.rourke (
Daniel is a writer and artist researching digital materiality, media arts, and (critical) posthumanism.
Richard Shannon
r.shannon (
Richard Shannon is the Co-Convenor of the MA in Radio and Module Leader for the Producer pathway in the MA in Musical Theatre at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Malene Sheppard Skaerved
mskaerved (
Larry Sider
l.sider (
Larry Sider is the Convenor for MA Filmmaking (Sound Recording, Post-Production and Design) and has been a sound designer, recordist and film editor for over thirty years in documentary, animation and fiction filmmaking.
Dr Richard Smith
r.w.smith (
Richard explores media representations of black and Asian troops within multicultural memory and commemoration processes.
Dr Dan Strutt
daniel.strutt (
A digital media theorist leading practice-based research projects in digital dance and motion-captured performance
Nathaniel Tkacz
n.tkacz (
Nate's research focuses on the culture and politics of digital media, with a focus on apps, data and interfaces.
Dr Milly Williamson
milly.williamson (
Milly's interest is the relationship between the media and citizenship and the means by which groups are marginalised.
Alison Winch
a.winch (
Alison looks at connections between intimacy and power in digital cultures.