- Community as a Vague Operator: Epistemological Questions for a Critical Heuristics of Community Detection Algorithms Schindler, Dominik and Fuller, Matthew. 2023. Community as a Vague Operator: Epistemological Questions for a Critical Heuristics of Community Detection Algorithms. Computational Culture: A Journal of Software Studies(9), ISSN 2047-2390
- A Counter-Forensic Audit Trail: Disassembling the Case of The Hateful Eight Fuller, Matthew and Mazurov, Nikita. 2019. A Counter-Forensic Audit Trail: Disassembling the Case of The Hateful Eight. Theory, Culture and Society, 36(6), pp. 171-196. ISSN 0263-2764
- The Posthumanities in an era of Unexpected Consequences Editorial for the special issue on the Transversal Posthumanities Braidotti, Rosi and Fuller, Matthew. 2019. The Posthumanities in an era of Unexpected Consequences Editorial for the special issue on the Transversal Posthumanities. Theory, Culture and Society, 36(6), pp. 3-29. ISSN 0263-2764
- Digital Infrastructures and the Machinery of Topological Abstraction Fuller, Matthew and Goffey, Andrew. 2012. Digital Infrastructures and the Machinery of Topological Abstraction. Theory, Culture & Society, 29(4-5), pp. 311-333. ISSN 0263-2764
- Personal Web searching in the age of semantic capitalism: Diagnosing the mechanisms of personalisation Feuz, Martin; Fuller, Matthew and Stalder, Felix. 2011. Personal Web searching in the age of semantic capitalism: Diagnosing the mechanisms of personalisation. First Monday, 16(2), 0-0. ISSN 1396-0466
- Faulty Theory Fuller, Matthew. 2011. Faulty Theory. Fibreculture Journal(118), pp. 69-81.
- Feral Computing, from ubiquitous calculation to wild interactions Fuller, Matthew and Matos, Sonia. 2011. Feral Computing, from ubiquitous calculation to wild interactions. Fibreculture Journal(19), -.
Professor Matthew Fuller
Matthew is involved in a number of projects in art, software and media ecology and has written on media theory.
Staff details

Professor of Cultural Studies, convenor of the MA in Digital Media
Media, Communications and Cultural Studies
m.fuller (@gold.ac.uk)
Matthew Fuller is Professor of Cultural Studies. With Usman Haque, he is co-author of 'Urban Versioning System v1.0' (ALNY) and with Andrew Goffey, of ‘Evil Media’ (MIT), Editor of 'Software Studies, a lexicon' (MIT) and co-editor of the journal Computational Culture. He is involved in a number of projects in art, media and software and is the author of the forthcoming, 'How to Sleep, in art, biology and culture' (Bloomsbury).
Matt teaches the Digital Media: Critical Perspectives module and the option Media Philosophy. He is also convenor of the MA in Digital Media.
Areas of supervision
He supervises PhD researchers in: new media, art, software studies, cultural ecology, design, cultural theory, and related areas. Proposals are welcome from those planning diverse forms of research.
Presentations and exhibitions
Artists collective
Media Shed Southend-on-Sea, UK
Free Media Space
The Container Palmers Cross, Jamaica
Free Media Space
I/O/D 1994-1997
Speculative software group
Software Art Repository
‘Convergence, the journal of new media’
Publications and research outputs
- Analysis, Exposure and Addition: the Aesthetic and Ecological Logics of Joana Moll’s ‘Carbolytics’ Fuller, Matthew. 2022. Analysis, Exposure and Addition: the Aesthetic and Ecological Logics of Joana Moll’s ‘Carbolytics’. Ljubljana: Aksioma – Institute for contemporary Art, ljubljana. ISBN 9789619543788
- Investigative Aesthetics: Conflicts and Commons in the Politics of Truth Fuller, Matthew and Weizman, Eyal. 2021. Investigative Aesthetics: Conflicts and Commons in the Politics of Truth. London: Verso. ISBN 9781788739085
- Bleak Joys: Aesthetics of Ecology and Impossibility Fuller, Matthew and Goriunova, Olga. 2019. Bleak Joys: Aesthetics of Ecology and Impossibility. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 9781517905538
Edited Book
- Software Studies: a lexicon Fuller, Matthew, ed. 2008. Software Studies: a lexicon. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp. 1-334. ISBN 978-0-262-06274-9
Book Section
- Machinic Highs and Pathic Patchworks of Addicted Systems Fuller, Matthew and Goffey, Andrew. 2024. Machinic Highs and Pathic Patchworks of Addicted Systems. In: Melanie Sehgal and Alex Wilkie, eds. More-Than-Human Aesthetics: Venturing Beyond the Bifurcation of Nature. Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 153-171. ISBN 9781529227789
- Side Channel Attacks Fuller, Matthew. 2022. Side Channel Attacks. In: Rosi Braidotti; Emily Jones and Goda Klumbyte, eds. More Posthuman Glossary. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 133-134. ISBN 9781350231429
- In praise of plasticity Fuller, Matthew. 2020. In praise of plasticity. In: Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer, eds. Data Publics: Public Plurality in an Era of Data Determinacy. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 34-53. ISBN 9780429196515
- Critical Response II: Absconding from the Index Blom, Ina and Fuller, Matthew. 2025. Critical Response II: Absconding from the Index. Critical Inquiry, 51(2), pp. 405-408. ISSN 0093-1896
- National Word Inventory: Notes for a History. Fuller, Matthew. 2024. National Word Inventory: Notes for a History. The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 33(67), pp. 210-212. ISSN 2000-1452
- A Filter Theory of Photography Blom, Ina and Fuller, Matthew. 2024. A Filter Theory of Photography. Media Theory, 8(1), pp. 107-132. ISSN 2557-826X
Art Object
- Digger Barley Fuller, Matthew. 2009. Digger Barley.
- Requiem for Cod Fuller, Matthew and Harwood, Graham. 2010. Requiem for Cod.
- 500 Slogans Fuller, Matthew. 2009. 500 Slogans. In: "Moving Forest", Transmediale, Germany, 2009.
- War on the Senses / War of the Senses Fuller, Matthew and Topuzovski, Tihomir. 2024. War on the Senses / War of the Senses. In: "War on the Senses / War of the Senses", Moseum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, 5 December 2024 - 5 March 2025.
- 10x10x10 Fuller, Matthew. 2024. 10x10x10. In: "10x10x10 of Media Art", Stadtwerkstadt, Linz, Austria, September 2024 - onwards.
- Sleep Series Fuller, Matthew and Cheang, Shu Lea. 2023. Sleep Series. In: "Sleep Series", Stadtwerkstadt, Linz, Austria, 2018-ongoing.