Dr Richard MacDonald

Richard is a media ethnographer who investigates infrastructure, publics and urban life.

Staff details

Dr Richard MacDonald


Senior Lecturer in Media and Communications, Senior Tutor


Media, Communications and Cultural Studies


r.macdonald (@gold.ac.uk)

I am a media ethnographer with an interest in the relationship between technological infrastructures and publics. I look at the way infrastructural systems address and implicate publics, and the spaces of participation and contestation that crystallise around their planning, construction and use. I have also published on the historiography of film and screen culture (projection practices, film publications and writing, film education and the amateur film society movement) and on memory, images and archive practices.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD Media & Communications (Goldsmiths, University of London) 2009
  • MRes Cultural Studies and Humanities (London Consortium, University of London) 1998
  • BSc Anthropology (Goldsmiths, University of London) 1996

Grants and awards

2018: Newton Fund Institutional Links (British Council)

2016: Newton Fund Mobility Grant (British Academy)
Mobile Media Practices in Everyday Life: Negotiating Commercial Infrastructures and State Control in Mainland Southeast Asia

2014: British Academy/ASEASUK Visiting Fellowship
Projecting for the Spirits: Film Projection as Ritual Offering in Thailand

Publications and research outputs


Edited Journal

Book Section



Areas of supervision

I am interested in supervising MPhil/PhD students in any of the following areas

• Film culture, technology and historiography
• Media apparatus and ritual practice
• Rogue archives and collective memory
• Contemporary documentary film and video
• Experimental moving image in Southeast Asia
• Infrastructures and urban life