Dr Dan Strutt

A digital media theorist leading practice-based research projects in digital dance and motion-captured performance

Staff details

Dr Dan Strutt


Senior Lecturer


Media, Communications and Cultural Studies


daniel.strutt (@gold.ac.uk)

Goldsmiths Research Centres/Groups

Strutt’s work straddles the fields of Screen Studies and Creative Economy, with some productive cross-pollination between the two.

Having studied his UG, Masters, and PhD all within MCCS at Goldsmiths, he now convenes both undergraduate and postgraduate modules in the department in film, digital, virtual and immersive media.

Alongside his own theory research with his 2019 book ‘The Digital Image and Reality: Affect, Post Cinema, and Metaphysics’ (AUP), Strutt engages in practice-based research with digital visual artists, creative technologists, and dancers.

Since 2020 he has been P.I. on AHRC-funded projects in digital dance; using motion capture streaming tfor remote collaboration, sustainability, and accessibility in metaverse-type performance practices.

Dan has a strong track record of Creative Economy research with CREATe, Creativeworks London, and the Creative Economy Programme, with a forthcoming co-authored book ‘Fashion as Creative Economy’ (Polity).

Research interests

Strutt is actively researching in areas of motion-captured performance practice, mocap streaming and telematic performance, virtual embodiment, post-cinema, and immersive media.

He also addresses issues around creative enterprise and the creative economy.