30 days of research at Goldsmiths. Contributions to knowledge. Condensed.

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Researchers at Goldsmiths are constantly contributing to knowledge and practice in a range of disciplines, from computing to art, the social sciences and beyond. Find out what they’ve been up to over the past month.

With the General Election fast approaching, Goldsmiths academics provide unique perspectives and expert comment on the big issues that will decide who ends up in Number 10. Check out the latest videos, articles…and poems.


History award

Dr Alexander Watson (History) has been awarded the $50,000 Guggenheim-Lehrman Prize in Military History for his book Ring of Steel: Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I.

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Acting inequality

Dr Dave O'Brien (Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship) has uncovered worrying levels of inequality within the acting profession in the UK in a joint study with researchers from the LSE.

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Autism diagnosis

Professor Elisabeth Hill (Psychology) led a joint study on autism that found that 52 per cent of parents were dissatisfied with their experience of their child’s diagnosis.

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Sociology award

Dr Monika Krause (Sociology) has been honoured with the prestigious BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize for the best first and sole-authored book within the discipline.

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Everyday emergencies

A study by psychologists at Goldsmiths and insurance provider Direct Line revealed that ‘fearcasting’ - the heightened panic experienced during an everyday emergency - is to blame for disproportionate amounts of stress.

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Covert environmental activism

Dr Jennifer Gabrys (Sociology) revealed how communities affected by fracking in the US have been provided with camouflaged pollution monitoring equipment as part of the Citizen Sense project.

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Dr Will Davies (Politics), co-director of the Political Economy Research Centre (PERC), will lead research exploring the moral framing and contested meanings of prosperity, questioning how we can bring morality and justice to contemporary capitalism.

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Computer art

Pioneering computer artist Professor William Latham’s (Computing) first major exhibition in the UK for over 20 years, Mutator 1 + 2 featured at the Edinburgh International Science Festival.

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Travel app

Dr Mick Grierson and a team of researchers from the Department of Computing have partnered with a technology collective to create a mobile app that combines the best of trip planning, travel guide expertise, journal writing and social media.

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Poetry comeback

Dr Barley Norton (Music) explained why an ancient genre of Vietnamese sung poetry is making a comeback in a new multimedia report for the Smithsonian Institution.

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Artificial Intelligence

Professor Mark Bishop (Computing) announced the Tungsten Centre for Intelligent Data Analytics (TCIDA), a joint venture between Goldsmiths and Tungsten Corporation plc. to research advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques for Big Data analysis.

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Grey matter(s)

Dr Ashok Jansari (Psychology) Lecturer in Cognitive Neuropsychology welcomed over 200 visitors to Brain Awareness Day at Goldsmiths - an opportunity for members of the public to learn about the history and function of the brain and hear first-hand testimonies from patients with brain damage.

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