Where London meets the world

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Be part of global Goldsmiths

With more than a third of our students coming from outside the UK, drawn from over 120 countries, and around 200 international staff, Goldsmiths is without doubt a global institution.

Our worldwide reputation was recognised in the QS World Rankings 2015/2016 which ranked Goldsmiths the 38th most international university in the world.

Our internationalisation strategy is a key aspect of the ‘London and the World’ pillar of our strategic plan. This cornerstone is built upon the vitality of Goldsmiths’ presence in a culturally-rich global capital city, where we have close and longstanding ties with our local London community.

From this base, Goldsmiths branches out across the capital and beyond via dynamic and mutually beneficial relationships with business, social and creative industries, public and third sector organisations, and local and national governments.

These links enhance knowledge production and the student experience in numerous ways: via placements and internships for students; professionally enriched teaching and specialised training; collaborative research; consultancy and innovation partnerships.

Over the last year we have prioritised targeted internationalisation activities to enrich our academic community locally and enhance our global connectedness, including:

Developing and diversifying our engagement in high-calibre collaborative taught programmes with international partners of shared values and aspirations

Increasing staff and student participation in learning and social activities, both on campus and through overseas visits, which are designed to enhance cross-cultural understanding, networks, and awareness of international issues

Developing and strengthening research partnerships with overseas universities and other organisations, increasing the participation of our staff and students in internationally collaborative research which is recognised as world-leading

Establishing, hosting, and actively participating in academic networks and research centres which focus on international themes and activities

Recruiting excellent students from other countries, with a view to enhancing the cultural diversity and learning experiences of cohorts across all our disciplinary areas

As part of our Internationalisation Strategy, we have recently signed new strategic partnerships overseas.

National Research Tomsk State University, Russia

We have extended and formalised our long-standing relationship with the National Research Tomsk State University in Russia to include new disciplines and enhanced staff and student mobility and we have committed to exploring new developments that could involve joint curriculum design and dual award delivery.

Universidad de las Artes, Ecuador

We were pleased to partner with Ecuador’s newly-established Universidad de las Artes where we aim to promote academic development, support and advice for developing curricula, academic training, research capabilities and the mobility of staff and students.

Confucius Institute for Dance and Performance

Our Confucius Institute continues to be a big link with China – and we had the pleasure of being one of the few Vice Chancellors invited to meet President Xi Jinping on his recent visit to the UK. We also recently signed a new MOU with the National Institute of Cultural Development at Beijing International Studies University.

LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore

The LASALLE partnership in Singapore continues to be by far our largest Collaborative Provision partnership: with 18 programmes at BA or MA level currently on offer and new Masters degrees in development for 2017.

LASALLE had the distinction of being the first HE institution in Singapore ever to receive an EduTrust star from the Council for Private Education. We are currently expanding our support for the development of new forms of collaborative provision, and we welcome approaches from institutions interested in exploring a range of arrangements, including, but not limited to, those described above.

International Studies Reception