Goldsmiths and Beijing International Studies University sign Asia UK cultural studies agreement

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Goldsmiths Asia Centre and the National Institute of Cultural Development (NICD) of Beijing International Studies University (BISU) recently signed a memorandum of understanding to further their research into the field of cultural studies between Asia and UK.

The signing took place at the Sino-UK Creative Industry and Cultural Trade Forum 2015. This was jointly hosted by the two organisations at the Bank of China, London. 

This conference was opened by the Warden of Goldsmiths, Patrick Loughrey; Xiang Xiaowei, Minister Counsellor of Cultural Office and Jin Xu, Minister Counsellor of Commercial Office from Chinese Embassy; Liang Chuan from Ministry of Culture in China, and Vice President of BISU, Zhang Yan. 

Goldsmiths Asia Centre and NICD invited expert speakers to discuss a variety of topics at the event, including innovation and cooperation in the performing arts, and the future of Sino-UK creative and design industries, as well as outlining research into cultural tastes and interests in both countries.  

Among those attending were representatives from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese National Ministry of Culture; Neil Constable, Executive Director of Shakespeare's Globe; Lisa Burger, Executive Director of the National Theatre and Zhou Yuyuan, Dean of the National Theatre of China as well as academics from Goldsmiths, BISU and Newcastle University. 

This event was part of 2015 UK-China year of Cultural Exchange, which aims to further establishing the cooperative relationship between UK and Chinese cultural institutions and enterprises.