Goldsmiths staff and Library ranked in top 20 universities by students

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A national league table based on student feedback has ranked Goldsmiths’ staff and its library facilities amongst the best in the country.

The Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2014 ranked Goldsmiths 11th for 'good library and library opening hours' and 18th for 'helpful/interested staff'.

The survey – which took opinions from 14,300 students across 111 institutions – also ranked Goldsmiths 17th for 'fair workload', 21st for 'tuition in small groups' and 29th for 'good personal relationships with teaching staff'.

Goldsmiths was also ranked first out of all London universities across a number of categories including 'high quality staff', 'helpful/interested staff', 'well-structured courses', 'good personal relationships with staff' and 'tuition in small groups'.

Michael Young, Pro-Warden (Students and Learning Development) said: "We put the satisfaction of our students at the heart of everything we do at Goldsmiths so it's fantastic to see how well they have scored us, especially in terms of workload, tuition group sizes and their relationship with our staff."



The Goldsmiths Library and its facilities was ranked second out of all London university libraries and just outside the top 10 nationally. It scored higher than the likes of the University of Leicester, University of Nottingham and Durham University.

Claire MacLean, Head of Student, Alumni and Library Services, said: "To get such positive feedback about the Library from students is excellent. Being ranked so highly is testament to the Library team who take great pride in their work and often go above and beyond to help our students with their studies."

Veronica Lawrence, Acting Librarian, added: "This is an extraordinary result. All members of Library staff have contributed to it and should feel justly proud."

Overall Goldsmiths was ranked 75th, a rise of three places from 78th last year.