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Would you like to support the continued development of Goldsmiths? Are you a strategic thinker who can apply your professional skills and experience to the work of Council?

We are looking for expressions of interest from individuals who are able to apply their skills, expertise and success to the unique challenge of advising a university, to join Council as independent members.

Cathy Runciman, current independent member of Council, tells us more about the role and her experiences.

Serving on council

 “As an independent member of Council, I provide input and oversight into the governance and strategy of Goldsmiths, and support the Senior Management team in making informed decisions.

“This means taking an active interest in both issues and trends in higher education generally, as well as in all the specifics of developments at Goldsmiths - and as a Council Member, I promote the college externally to the best of my ability. Most Council members, as well as participating in the three or four main Council meetings each year, sit on one or more sub-committee.

“In the five years that I have served as a Council Member, I have been on the Honorary Degrees and Fellowships, Remuneration and Audit Committees. Council Members also act as Trustees, given the status of the university as an exempt charity.

“Such governance roles are often defined as being a 'critical friend' to the institution in question, and I think this is a fair description, though I would add 'supportive' too!”

Joining the Goldsmiths family

“When I applied to join Council, I was actively looking for a voluntary role in a space connected to, but different from, my daily business responsibilities. I wanted to contribute something to a non-profit or charitable institution and expand my own experience. I was particularly interested in the education sector and was delighted when I saw the advert for new Council Member applications, as I am Goldsmiths alumnus. Needless to say I was even more delighted when I was appointed.

“I joined Council at a time of immense change in the sector, and it's been very rewarding to support the management team as they respond to the many opportunities and challenges.

“The performance and reputation of the College goes from strength to strength, and it's a pleasure to be part of the Goldsmiths family. I always enjoy going to events the college hosts for the wider community as well as such highlights as the annual Fellows Dinner, which is a definite treat for Council Members.”

Experience matters

“I have worked in the media sector for over 20 years, principally in international business development roles. For more than 10 years, I was the international Managing Director at Time Out Group, setting up digital and print media businesses in more than 20 countries. Time Out's editorial focus on art, culture and entertainment, plus my international experience and focus on intellectual property issues, has always felt like a good fit with some key aspects of the work at Goldsmiths.

“In particular, I have taken an interest in the 'London and the world' pillar of the Goldsmiths Strategic Plan, and have enjoyed introducing many contacts from my own network to the wonderful work that goes on at Goldsmiths. I am now working on start-up media projects, and again, that experience is proving very relevant in the fast-changing and creative environment that Goldsmiths operates in.”

Why apply?

“More than anything, you should apply for the people you will meet and work with. From academic and professional staff, to the students and the senior management team, it's a pleasure to be part of the Goldsmiths community. These are exciting times at the college, and there's a very strong plan for the future in place - it's a great moment to support the work of such a vibrant and creative London institution.”

Join us

Joining Council provides a unique opportunity for its members to:

  • apply their own business knowledge, expertise and
    success to the unique challenge of advising a university
  • bring their creativity and imagination to a new challenging sector of business
  • support an small campus community with a global reach
  • become part of a network of leading thinkers and
    creative minds working together to the benefit of Goldsmiths
  • get first-hand understanding of our creative and innovative approaches to teaching subjects, as well as our world-leading research.

Expressions of interest or requests for further information regarding Goldsmiths and the role of independent members can be directed to governance@gold.ac.uk by Wednesday 24 March.

Find out more about the role and the work of Council.