Theatre supremo Lord Lloyd Webber backs Goldsmiths' schools music project

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Goldsmiths, University of London is hosting a schools classical music project backed by £25,000 from impresario Andrew Lloyd Webber.

The English Young Artists’ Sinfonia (EYAS), a group of young professional musicians drawn from the alumni of the English Schools’ Orchestra (ESO) is holding a series of workshops with students from Goldsmiths to learn how to compose, arrange and play music.

Lewisham school pupils taking part are drawn from Haberdashers' Aske's Hatcham College and Deptford Green.

The scheme aims to bridge the gap between school, college and the life of a professional musician, giving professional music guidance and experience to those who would not otherwise have the opportunity for specialist teaching.

It is one of 21 schemes to be backed by the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation which has this year granted £630,000 in total. Other schemes include a brass band in Norfolk and beat-boxing in Yorkshire.

Lord Lloyd Webber said: “The creative industry in the UK is thriving, but to retain this vibrancy we need to support the talented young people of all backgrounds who are looking to take their first steps towards a career in the arts.

“I have been lucky enough to enjoy a successful career doing something that I love and am delighted that my Foundation can support young creatives of the future.”

The first session was held on Tuesday, 6 October. 

Bob Pepper, Musical Director of the EYAS and ESO, said: “The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation grant has provided us with a wonderful opportunity to help these young people to develop their creative and performing talents and realise their full potential as musicians.”

Peter Hayward, Head of Lewisham Music Service & Director of Lewisham Music Hub said: “I am thrilled that this exciting project has come to Lewisham. It is a great example of what can be achieved when organisations work together in partnership with the hub and its schools. The project will have a real impact in enhancing the musical skills and aspirations of young musicians in our borough.”