Goldsmiths launches new careers mentoring programme for ethnic minority students

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Goldsmiths is running a new career focused mentoring programme in partnership with the National Mentoring Consortium, aimed at ethnic minority undergraduates.

The National Mentoring Consortium (NMC) aims to support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students and students with a disability to achieve their goals and gain meaningful employment.

The scheme pairs ethnic minority students with a mentor who is a professional in their industry. This relationship allows students to improve their workplace skills and prepare them for the workplace.

Monthly meetings are held either at the mentor’s workplace, or another convenient location over six months, between November and April.

Training will be held on campus on Friday 20 November from 5pm.

Certificates are awarded to all the participants upon successful completion of the scheme.

The aim is to build a mutually supportive relationship that can prepare students for the world of work, with the objectives that could include;

·         Improvement in study skills

·         Building self confidence

·         Time management

·         Communication skills

If you’d like to find out more and for an application form, please contact Daniel Bond,