PureGold launches at the Southbank Centre - 8 May

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PureGold - a 6-week festival celebrating the eclectic, innovative and exciting music coming out of Goldsmiths, University of London - launches at the Southbank Centre on Friday 8 May.

With a line-up ranging from singer-songwriters to rock bands, opera to electronica, traditional Indonesian gamelan to experimental jazz, PureGold offers a unique opportunity to discover the musical talent of the future at an iconic London venue.

Taking the Southbank’s popular Friday Night Tonic slot at Festival Village, the PureGold launch night is free and open to all, running from 5.30-10pm.

The launch night includes student acts, special guests, and artists from Goldsmiths’ own independent record label, NX Records, who will be releasing their 2015 mix-tape featuring many of the night’s performers. 

PureGold builds on the musical successes that Goldsmiths alumni have enjoyed in recent years – including a 2013 Mercury Prize for James Blake, a chart-topping album for Katy B and an Olivier Award for War Horse and Curious Incident composer Adrian Sutton.

This year's highlights include:

  • Tom Moore’s haunting solo project The Automatic Trio – an installation of animatronic string instruments which play themselves
  • Contemporary electric cello artist Rebecca Turner
  • Slow Moon - dark electronic textures, dreamy guitars

Previous artists and musicians who have performed at the PureGold festival include: Ultraísta vocalist FEMME, two of The Guardian's bands of the day, Bat and Ball and Semi Precious.

PureGold events continue from May to July at The Albany (Deptford) and on the Goldsmiths campus in New Cross, south east London.

PureGold forms part of a summer of Goldsmiths Degree Shows across the capital.

Follow #PureGold15 and #GoldsmithsDegreeShows for the latest news and photos.

Visit www.gold.ac.uk/puregold for more information.