Strength of student voice praised at Goldsmiths

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The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) has praised our "particularly positive" inclusion of the student voice in their Higher Education Review.

The QAA judged us to have met expectations in relation to the quality and standards of our provision in a report published today (Thursday 3 September) by the five-strong review team following a week-long visit during the summer term.  

The report highlights our use of Departmental Student Coordinators (DSCs) as being "particularly positive" - and said their reports are "influential in proposing enhancements and driving change at both departmental and college level". The report highlights four areas of Good Practice.  

The reviewers found:

  • We have an "innovative approach to capturing, and relaying the student voice through the creation of the Departmental Student Coordinator" (DSCs).
  • The "comprehensive support" to DSCs and their ongoing training promotes "effective partnership working".
  • Potential students benefit from the "range of quality of information, including the Virtual Open Day" offered by us.
  • We have a "consistent, comprehensive and accessible" centrally-managed system for programme monitoring.