Celebrating our students: Shellisha Downie, Department of Educational Studies

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Having originally left school with no GCSEs, Shellisha Downie – who gave birth to a daughter during her first year at Goldsmiths - is now graduating with a 2:1 BA degree in Education, Culture and Society from the Department of Educational Studies.

Born and brought up in New Cross and Brockley, the 31-year-old enrolled at Sydenham Girls School to take her GCSEs but after experiencing a relationship breakdown at her family home, she moved to a Euston youth hostel and found herself without the money to take the train to take her exams.

“Once my housing was stable I went on to complete an Access to Higher Education certificate in Social Science at Croydon College,” she says. “I fully embraced the experience and got involved with everything, from being a student representative for peers on my course, to representing the Access programme in the College Parliament.”

After finishing the course she took a number of roles in schools’ inclusion departments, working as a Learning Support Assistant and KS3 and 4 Learning Mentor.

“I realised that my passion was working with young people who had Special Educational Needs,” Shellisha explains. “I knew I needed to take steps to prepare myself academically and professionally, so I decided to return to education. I completed a Level 4 Preparing to Teach certificate and a Level 5 Diploma to teach in the lifelong learning sector. Those courses prepared me for my degree in education.”

Growing up near Goldsmiths’ New Cross campus, Shellisha says that the university always stood out to her and her friends:

“Back in those days, I would have never thought I was Goldsmiths material! But as an adult I had proved to myself that I am capable of academically achieving, so applied for a BA at the university as it would consolidate my employment experience and the qualifications I had to date. Plus, the course structure gave me the opportunity to specialise in Special Educational Needs.”

Shellisha was the recipient of a full Lewisham Fee-Waiver – one of ten free places at Goldsmiths offered to the brightest and most talented local students.

“There’s no doubt it’s been life-changing,” she says. “It’s not every day you’re labelled one of Lewisham’s best and brightest! Before I applied for the scholarship, I’d already confirmed my place at Goldsmiths, so even if I hadn’t received it, I was determined to come to Goldsmiths. Being offered a place was a huge personal achievement in itself for me.”

Shellisha’s young son was diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) around the time she started her degree and, at the same time, Shellisha became pregnant with her daughter.

“I had her the following April around our submission deadlines! Our timings weren’t great but my partner and I made it work. I knew that God wouldn’t give me more than I could handle – I took faith in that.

“My department was amazing and granted me extensions when I needed them. My lecturers were very understanding and supportive and helped me with my understanding of ASD, strategies, interventions and so on. Goldsmiths has really prepared me for the future, both in regards to my career and in supporting and understanding my son’s Autism.

“I loved my course. Not everyone can say they have a BA in Education, Culture and Society. Highlights for me were ‘getting to the other side’ – a saying among my peers. The day that I submitted my dissertation and last essays were also a highlight.. I was with my daughter and remember saying:” well, that’s it, baby girl!”

In the run up to graduation, Shellisha particularly wanted to acknowledge the guidance of her course leader, Dr Anna Carlile: “She’s an amazing woman, definitely someone I look up to and aspire to be like in terms of the wealth of knowledge she has and experiences she shared.”

Shellisha is currently working at Tidemill Academy in a speech and language resource base and will graduate on Tuesday 8 September. Having worked at previous years’ graduation ceremonies at Goldsmiths as a Student Ambassador, she says she can’t wait: “I know we will be in for an amazing day!”