Our Supporters

External support is a vital contribution to the work of Open Book.

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Open Book staff and students are deeply grateful for the support of external partners and funders who have over the years made it possible for us to develop our work, extend our reach into other communities, and support our students.

These funders have enabled us to develop a programme of prison education, and to help students with criminal justice experience to make a good start in higher education.

They have supported students who were homeless to find safe places to live and study, and funded ongoing creative classes. They have helped us get staff training to work with students who have learning difficulties and disabilities, and have provided resources to help bridge the digital divide, helping students who can’t afford the technology they need to study effectively, and supporting people in the local community to use Goldsmiths facilities for learning digital skills.

They have enabled our students to take part in premiere cultural events and see world class performances, and have contributed to the building of a community garden.

They have funded travel expenses, exam fees, provided books and covered printing costs.

Our grateful thanks to all who have offered this help.

  • The Portal Trust
  • The Goldmsiths Company
  • Lankelly Chase
  • Sainsbury trust
  • Anonymous
  • Good Things Foundation
  • Bench Outreach
  • Paul Hamlyn Foundation
  • Pat Bryden Foundation

Our thanks also go to those donors who wish to remain anonymous