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"I appreciate the setting of this course, which is quite unique, just like Goldsmiths itself."

“I am currently studying MA Photography: The Image and Electronic Arts at Goldsmiths. Before I enrolled in the official MA course, I had taken the Pre-Sessional English Language course run by the ELC at Goldsmiths. I feel lucky I made this choice, as my background of BA degree was Performance of Music, which is quite different from my future MA degree, so the pre-sessional course helped me to be more capable to achieve an MA degree at Goldsmiths in terms of not only English but also helping me to get used to the different education system and culture background.

Personally, I appreciate the setting of this course, which is quite unique, just like Goldsmiths itself. Instead of only focusing on improving your English ability level, it covers more about culture and art. Also, it includes some practical classes, for example, like course of 'Mapping the City', which needs students to actually walk out of school and explore the city in person, and finally transfer our feelings into an artwork.

Moreover, I am enjoying the overall environment at Goldsmiths, the relationship between students and teachers is very friendly and respectful. Also the passion of art from people here inspires me a lot. All in all, Goldsmiths is a great place for people who love to be creative and critical."