Anne Wahab
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My favourite part of the degree was meeting new people from around the world and exchanging cultures.
Exchanging cultures, and broadening my horizons
My favourite part of the degree was meeting new people from around the world and exchanging cultures. The opportunity to have discussions with my professors and peers regarding a variety of subjects is what I valued most about my time at Goldsmiths. The Department of Education helped in broadening my horizon. When I was a student at Goldsmiths, I grew in terms of both personality and knowledge in numerous fields.
Life after Goldsmiths
I am the Admissions Officer at Ecole Jeannine Manuel London. I like the fact that I can combine my teaching experience with an administrative side.
Study experience
I would advise anyone considering studying at Goldsmiths to establish high academic goals and adhere to them. The teaching staff at Goldsmiths are really motivating.
Favourite spot on campus
The Goldsmiths library has a terrific vibe because you can meet students from many fields. There were numerous resources available to help me in completing my assignments.