Photo of Tom King

Tom King

"Take every single opportunity that’s offered to you."

Main details

Programme BA (Hons) English & History
Occupation Co-founder of record label No Pain in Pop & also works in artist management

"The best thing for me about being at Goldsmiths, personally, was just the experience, being with creative, likeminded people. When I started at Goldsmiths I wasn't interested in having a career in music whatsoever, I wanted to be a writer or an academic. The idea of music only came to me in my second or third year when I realised that much of my social and recreational activities were leaning towards that in some degree. I met the people I founded the label with social events at university and around the area.

The best part of my job is the creative side and working with all of these incredibly talented people. The worst part is having to deal with so many different things all the time!

My advice for current students would be that 'yes' is always a far better answer than 'no' – just take every single opportunity that’s offered to you and apply for things and do things, whether it’s sports, meeting up with your friends... anything that can inspire you. Keep your options open, experience things rather than plan any kind of career path. Be positive and try and engage as much as you can with everything."

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