Aurélien Joly
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The MA encouraged me to reach out to discover fresh perspectives & challenge academic notions
My time as an MA student in Cultural Policy, Relations and Diplomacy at Goldsmiths University was phenomenally engaging. The core issues tackled by the curricula were embedded right in the campus, the institute and the captivating city of London.
Weekly international guest speakers and out-of-classroom assignments were a terrific addition to hearty and very diverse courses.
The Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship allowed me to question what I wanted to learn, how and why.
The whole staff at Goldsmiths was incredibly supportive and inspiring, encouraging student to reach out to different institutes in order to discover fresh perspectives and challenge academic notions.
Since graduating, I was involved in many different projects of cultural outreach with grassroots and governmental organisations in Switzerland and Europe.
I am now working for the artistic programming of a cultural center and theatre in Montreux, Switzerland.