Janice Gore
Janice currently coordinates the Bachelors degree in Arts Management at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts.
Main details
Janice studied Literature and History at the University of the West Indies and has been working in the arts and culture sector in Jamaica largely through administration, marketing, public relations, writing and publishing.
Goldsmiths afforded her the opportunity to study current trends and best practices in Arts Administration and Cultural Policy in 2006 and to explore arts management as a discipline to be further developed in Jamaica. Goldsmiths also provided opportunities for training and developing her administrative and management skills. Along with cultural policy, arts and regeneration is a key area of interest. Since then she has gone on to do Publishing Studies at City University London.
Janice currently coordinates the Bachelors degree in Arts Management at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts. She lectures courses in Cultural Policy Development, Contemporary Issues in the Cultural Industries and National Identity and the Arts. She has a keen interest in advocating for the growth of the culture sector in Jamaica.
At present she is conducting research on issues related to cultural policy and law in Jamaica. She works intermittently with various arts professionals in Jamaica and is an avid music and theatre lover who is seeking to expand the arts publishing landscape in Jamaica. Her ultimate goal is to merge all her skills into a successful business and academic careeer.