Michael Budiman Mulyadi

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Being in London, the epicentre of arts and culture, I managed to develop contacts with many influential figures in the world of the arts.

With a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, I worked at IBM Corporation as asales and product manager for 6 years doing solution sales and marketing before I enrolled in MA in Arts Administration and Cultural Policy: Music Pathway at Goldsmiths.

The first few months at Goldsmiths opened my eyes to the richness and importance of critical contemporary cultural studies and also confirmed my strong conviction of the inevitable association of arts and business enterprise. The course and the atmosphere at Goldsmiths also nurtured my entrepreneurial spirit and pushed me to embrace DIY culture that is very beneficial for my current work. 

Interning at Stagetext as Digital Research Intern also formed my worldview on the importance of accessibility in the arts and also gave me real experience working in an enterprising arts organisation. Focusing my dissertation on classical music performances in historical churches in Central London, I gained significant insights on placemaking, the relationship of culture, art, and current religious spaces in London while also developing my ability to conduct research and to think critically. By being in London, the epicentre of arts and culture, I managed to develop contacts with many influential figures in the world of the arts, compared to when I was in Indonesia.

After graduating in September 2016, I took up a new teaching posts: Lecturer and Coordinator for Arts Management concentration in Universitas Pelita Harapan Conservatory of Music, Music Director for UPH Symphony Orchestra and Orkes Simfoni Universitas Indonesia ‘Mahawaditra’. I also started a new role as Consultant, developing business initiatives, governance and marketing programmes for local arts organisations. In May 2017, Creative Economy Agency of the Republic of Indonesia appoints me to sit as member of their assessment committee and contribute to the building of Creative Economy System through creative cities network initiative.

MIchael is also Founder & Editor-in-Cheif of Musical Promenade, and an Independent Business & Marketing Consultant