Victoria Forsey

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The ability to conduct my research in an institution that encourages reaching beyond the bounds of societal structures was truly empowering.

As a classically trained singer I came to Goldsmiths unsure of how I would use the MA in a professional manner but soon came to discover that my passion for unlocking the potential increase for audiences and interest in Western Art Music- especially that of Opera, would be best served by committing my coursework and skills to arts education. 

During the MA I focused my dissertation on the cultural education agenda in place in England. The ability to conduct this research in an institution that encourages lateral thinking and reaching beyond the bounds of societal structures, was truly empowering.

I am currently an intern with Saatchi Gallery, assisting with the schools programme. This has been a fantastic opportunity where I have gained the know-how to facilitate learning initiatives for a variety of school ages and learning abilities, in addition to furthering the administrative skills honed during an internship with the prestigious music seminar IMS-Prussia Cove.