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It's allowed me to exercise my voice, express myself, learn from many people from all walks of life... and gain leadership skills that I often doubted

Supported every step of the way

Goldsmiths has made a positive impact on me personally. It’s allowed me to exercise my voice, express myself, learn from people from all walks of life, showed me that I am capable of achieving challenging goals and gain leadership skills that I often doubted. I believe Goldsmiths has created a positive shift in my life, which has given me opportunities to move in the direction to enable me to fulfil my purpose.

There will be challenges but you will be supported every step of the way. Have an open mind and use all the support to your advantage.

Positive challenges

I enjoy that the degree is able to challenge me in a positive way that enables me to develop my character e.g. my communication skills, leadership skills, awareness and thinking outside of the box to name a few.

Another enjoyable aspect is that my fellow students have experience within the field and are able to support me directly and indirectly. My tutors are very supportive, they acknowledge the challenges I have and are able to work with me to achieve my specific goals. A surprising aspect is the amazing guest lecturers who have expertise in specific areas.