Our PGCE with Maths programme will support you to become a reflective, inclusive and creative primary school teacher. In addition, as a maths specialist, it will provide you with an enhanced understanding of teaching the subject across all primary age phases.
Our Primary PGCE with Modern Languages programme will support you in becoming a confident, reflective, and engaged primary school teacher. In addition, it will provide you with the opportunity to understand how languages – French, German and Spanish – can best be taught across the Primary age phases.
Our well established Primary PGCE programme will support you in developing the skills, knowledge and understanding that you’ll need to become a reflective, inclusive, creative, and engaged classroom practitioner.
This teacher training programme prepares you to teach art and design in secondary schools. You are shown how to plan, resource, and organise art lessons, as well as how to support, monitor and assess students’ engagement with Art and Design.
Our aim is to develop teachers whose vision, imagination and professionalism takes them beyond the realities of current educational policy, and encourage them to continually seek to evolve new and better models of practice.
We recognise the importance and potential of theatre as an art form. Our goal is to promote pupils’ personal, social, spiritual and cultural development through theatre and performance.
This teacher training programme offers a balance of theory and practice to give you a thorough grounding in all aspects of the National Curriculum for English, including post-16 teaching.
This course is split equally between teaching English and teaching Media Studies. It will give you an understanding of the important issues and practices underpinning the teaching of English and of Media Studies for 11-18 year olds.
Secondary schools need good maths teachers. This exciting and demanding programme will prepare you to become an effective and high-quality maths teacher, with a particular focus on the unique demands of working in a multi-ethnic London comprehensive school.
Offering you a balance of theory and practice, this programme provides the opportunity to explore and understand the ways that the key concepts of Media Studies and Film Studies are taught at secondary school and at post-16 level.
This programme encourages an interactive teaching approach that builds confidence, develops understanding of how the language system works and leads to purposeful language use. It provides you with the tools to make the study of language stimulating for the full range of learners.
This course offers an innovative and integrated route for those looking to become qualified secondary school teachers who need a part-time programme of study.
Becoming an effective teacher is more than just transmitting knowledge. We'll support and encourage you on your journey to becoming a science teacher who can inspire a new generation of world-changers.
This full-time PGCE will give you the knowledge, skills and understanding to teach at secondary level in a range of subjects: Art and Design; Biology; Chemistry; Design and Technology; Drama; English; English and Media; Mathematics; Media; Modern Languages and Physics.