Visiting Research Fellows

The Centre welcomes applications to become a Visiting Research Fellow (suitable for scholars who have external funding or are on sabbatical).

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Image credit: Pablo Vitale in Buenos Aires

Such appointments are usually for a period of at least three months and not more than one year. Applications are normally accepted on or before July 1 and Dec 1, but in exceptional circumstances will be entertained outside of the normal cycle.

Contact David L Martin, specifying the period of appointment sought, a brief description of the project to be worked on, and a curriculum vitae.

Our fellows are expected to actively participate in the activities of the Centre and present their work to the wider Goldsmiths community. Regrettably, present constraints of space mean we are unlikely to be able to provide an office for successful applicants.


Past Visiting Researchers

Visiting Fellow, August 2019 - January 2020

Professor Nunes Macedo spent six months as a visiting fellow at the Centre for Postcolonial Studies with the support of a CAPES' grant that aims at enhancing collaborations between Brazilian and British research institutions.

During her time in London, Professor Nunes Macedo works on two articles looking at Brazilian strategies to increase Brazilian influence in the African continent through academic cooperation.

She started a project, as well, on the history of two Brazilian universities created under the PT government to foster knowledge-exchange with Africa and Latin America, respectively.

Visiting PhD candidate, September 2019 to January 2020

André Macedo is a PhD candidate at the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), writing a dissertation on “The History of Eurocentrism in Brazil: 1950-2018”.

Macedo is interested in how European concepts shaped and still conditions postcolonial nations. One of his prime research examples is the uses of history in Brazilian textbooks.

He was a visiting research student at the Centre for Postcolonial Studies for six months with the support of a Brazilian government scholarship. 

Visiting Fellow, June-November 2018

José Neves is interested in exploring the ways Marxism has been used by Nationalism. He has conducted extensive research on the Portuguese communist movement, analysing the political, economic and cultural implications of the intersections between nation and class. More recently, he has been engaged in the study of African anti-colonialist leader Amílcar Cabral (1924-1973).

Neves is also the director of "Práticas da História - a Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past". In 2018 he was held a British Academy Visiting Fellowship at Goldsmiths’ Centre for Postcolonial Studies.

During his time at Goldsmiths, He organised the “Decolonising Marx: History, Theory and Politics” conference (Oct 2018) at Goldsmiths, presented a public seminar on “Amílcar Cabral and the people: from colonial science to anticolonial ideology”, and co-organised (with Luis Trinidade at Birkbeck) a workshop on “Decolonizing History: The politics of memory of the Last European Empire” (at Birkbeck in Oct 2018).

Visiting Fellow, March - April 2019

Martin teaches in the Department of Culture and Global Studies at Aalborg University, Denmark, and was a visiting fellow at the Centre for Postcolonial Studies for 3 months in 2019, funded by his home university.

Martin is a historian of colonial/imperial, international and global history, and during his stay at Goldsmiths he completed two peer-reviewed articles.

Visiting PhD candidate, September 2018- February 2019

Tuğçe Kelleci is a PhD student at Ankara University, writing a dissertation on “Postcolonialism and the Palestinian Issue: Egypt, the Palestinians and the Gaza Problem as an Intra-Arab Dilemma”.

She spent 6 months at the Centre for Postcolonial Studies as a Visiting Researcher, funded by the Council of Higher Education (Turkey). She has also been awarded the Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund Research Abroad award (Tokyo). 

Visiting PhD Candidate, September 2018- April 2019

Guilherme Bianchi Moreira is finishing his PhD at Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), Ouro Preto, Brazil, on “Amerindian heterotemporalities: time and Justice in indigenous worlds”.

He was a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Postcolonial Studies for 6 months in 2018-19, funded by a Brazilian government scholarship.

During his stay at the Centre he presented a paper at the 3rd INTH Network Conference in Stockholm, and also published essays, including “Passados que persistem na Amazônia peruana: disputas temporais e justiça entre os Ashaninka do rio Ene (1980-2017)” [Persistent pasts in Peruvian Amazon: temporal clashes and justice among the Ashaninka of the Ene river (1980-2017)] in Historia da Historiografia, 11:28 (2018).

Visiting Fellow, October 2014 - March 2015

Dr Kerner’s work is mostly located between (critical) political theory and gender studies.

In 2012, she published an introductory book on postcolonial theories, presenting this field as one that is both broad and of possible importance for the social sciences; earlier, her dissertation was published in German in 2009, Differences and Power: Towards an Anatomy of Racism and Sexism.

She is currently working at the intersection of political theory and postcolonialism, and also has a long term interest in the field of post-development.

Visiting Fellow, February – June 2014

Dr Thorup is an intellectual historian interested predominantly in the history of political thought and in writing intellectual histories of the present.

At Goldsmiths he worked on three interrelated issues: firstly how ‘the street’ (demonstrations, occupations) is back in radical left thought, that is how the last 5-10 years of mass protest and street politics is reflected upon in contemporary leftist thinking; and secondly, how political occupiers legitimate their use and control of occupied places- the discursive, aesthetical and performative strategies to claim something which one does not legally own; and thirdly, the relations between debt and morality in history and at present.

All three issues were also very much present in the social and political life of London and in the discussions and seminars he attended at Goldsmiths.

Visiting Research Fellow, September – December 2013

Naomi is working on her on a monograph entitled Dressed Bodies that Matter: A Study of Dress in the Literature of the South Asian Diaspora in Britain.

Funded under the Spanish Programme for University Professors Training, Spanish Ministry of Education.

Visiting Research Fellow, October – December 2010

Robbie Shilliam researches the political and intellectual complicities of colonialism and race in the global order. He is co-editor of the Rowman & Littlefield book series, Kilombo: International Relations and Colonial Question.

Robbie was a co-founder of the Colonial/Postcolonial/Decolonial working group of the British International Studies Association and is a long-standing active member of the Global Development section of the International Studies Association.

Visiting Research Fellow, July 2021 - June 2022.


Anissa has degrees from SOAS, SAS, King's College, and LSE. She specializes in African and Middle Eastern politics and writes from a Decolonial Perspective. 

Anissa organised the conference Decolonial Thinking and Revolutionary Events hosted by the Centre for Postcolonial Studies 8-9 March 2023

Visiting Research Fellow, April 2023-March 2024

Dr Kusaka teaches English literature at Meiji Gakuin University, Japan. He holds a PhD from the University of Warwick. His research interests include migrant literature and postcolonial studies, especially African literature.

Visiting Research Fellow, March 2023- April 2024

Pamela is a journalist specialising in climate policy and energy transition in postcolonial Africa and Brazil. At the Centre, she focused on Brazilian extractive companies in Africa. She is currently a reporter at Reuters. Before this position, Pamela worked for the Mozambique-focused publication Zitamar News, covering the country's extractive sector and the impacts of climate change. She also wrote for Climate Home News and New Internationalist. Pamela holds an MA in Development and Global South from Goldsmiths, University of London.