- The Behavioural Economics of Music: Systematic review and future directions Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Masters, Nikhil; Steffens, Jochen; North, Adrian and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2023. The Behavioural Economics of Music: Systematic review and future directions. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(5), pp. 1177-1194. ISSN 1747-0218
- Large-scale iterated singing experiments reveal oral transmission mechanisms underlying music evolution Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Harrison, Peter M.C.; Lee, Harin and Jacoby, Nori. 2023. Large-scale iterated singing experiments reveal oral transmission mechanisms underlying music evolution. Current Biology, 33(8), 1472-1486.e12. ISSN 0960-9822
- REPP: A robust cross-platform solution for online sensorimotor synchronization experiments Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Harrison, Peter M. C. and Jacoby, Nori. 2022. REPP: A robust cross-platform solution for online sensorimotor synchronization experiments. Behavior Research Methods, 54(5), pp. 2271-2285. ISSN 1554-3528
- Genome-wide association study of musical beat synchronization demonstrates high polygenicity Niarchou, Maria; Gustavson, Daniel E.; Sathirapongsasuti, J. Fah; Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Eising, Else; Bell, Eamonn; McArthur, Evonne; Straub, Peter; Aslibekyan, Stella; Auton, Adam; Bell, Robert K.; Bryc, Katarzyna; Clark, Sarah K.; Elson, Sarah L.; Fletez-Brant, Kipper; Fontanillas, Pierre; Furlotte, Nicholas A.; Gandhi, Pooja M.; Heilbron, Karl; Hicks, Barry; Huber, Karen E.; Jewett, Ethan M.; Jiang, Yunxuan; Kleinman, Aaron; Lin, Keng-Han; Litterman, Nadia K.; McCreight, Jey C.; McIntyre, Matthew H.; McManus, Kimberly F.; Mountain, Joanna L.; Mozaffari, Sahar V.; Nandakumar, Priyanka; Noblin, Elizabeth S.; Northover, Carrie A. M.; O’Connell, Jared; Pitts, Steven J.; Poznik, G. David; Shastri, Anjali J.; Shelton, Janie F.; Shringarpure, Suyash; Tian, Chao; Tung, Joyce Y.; Tunney, Robert J.; Vacic, Vladimir; Wang, Xin; McAuley, J. Devin; Capra, John A.; Ullén, Fredrik; Creanza, Nicole; Mosing, Miriam A.; Hinds, David A.; Davis, Lea K.; Jacoby, Nori and Gordon, Reyna L.. 2022. Genome-wide association study of musical beat synchronization demonstrates high polygenicity. Nature Human Behaviour, 6(9), pp. 1292-1309. ISSN 2397-3374
- What counts as aesthetics in science? A bibliometric analysis and visualization of the scientific literature from 1970 to 2018. Anglada-Tort, Manuel and Skov, Martin. 2022. What counts as aesthetics in science? A bibliometric analysis and visualization of the scientific literature from 1970 to 2018. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 16(3), pp. 553-568. ISSN 1931-3896
- I’ve heard that brand before: the role of music recognition on consumer choice Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Schofield, Kerry; Trahan, Tabitha and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2022. I’ve heard that brand before: the role of music recognition on consumer choice. International Journal of Advertising, 41(8), pp. 1567-1587. ISSN 0265-0487
- Popular music lyrics and musicians’ gender over time: A computational approach Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Krause, Amanda E and North, Adrian C. 2021. Popular music lyrics and musicians’ gender over time: A computational approach. Psychology of Music, 49(3), pp. 426-444. ISSN 0305-7356
- The Impact of Source Effects on the Evaluation of Music for Advertising: Are there Differences in How Advertising Professionals and Consumers Judge Music? Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Keller, Steve; Steffens, Jochen and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2020. The Impact of Source Effects on the Evaluation of Music for Advertising: Are there Differences in How Advertising Professionals and Consumers Judge Music? Journal of Advertising Research, 60(2), pp. 1-15. ISSN 0021-8499
- Names and Titles Matter: The Impact of Linguistic Fluency and the Affect Heuristic on Aesthetic and Value Judgements of Music Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Steffens, Jochen and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2019. Names and Titles Matter: The Impact of Linguistic Fluency and the Affect Heuristic on Aesthetic and Value Judgements of Music. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 13(3), pp. 277-292. ISSN 1931-3896
- Visualizing Music Psychology: A Bibliometric Analysis of Psychology of Music, Music Perception, and Musicae Scientiae from 1973 to 2017 Anglada-Tort, Manuel and Sanfilippo, Katie Rose M. 2019. Visualizing Music Psychology: A Bibliometric Analysis of Psychology of Music, Music Perception, and Musicae Scientiae from 1973 to 2017. Music & Science, 2, ISSN 2059-2043
- The Busking Experiment: A Field Study Measuring Behavioural Responses to Street Music Performances Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Thueringer, Heather and Omigie, Diana. 2019. The Busking Experiment: A Field Study Measuring Behavioural Responses to Street Music Performances. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 29(1), pp. 46-55. ISSN 0275-3987
- False memories in music listening: exploring the misinformation effect and individual difference factors in auditory memory Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Baker, Tom and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2018. False memories in music listening: exploring the misinformation effect and individual difference factors in auditory memory. Memory, ISSN 0965-8211
- The Repeated Recording Illusion. The Effects of Extrinsic and Individual Difference Factors on Musical Judgments Anglada-Tort, Manuel and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2017. The Repeated Recording Illusion. The Effects of Extrinsic and Individual Difference Factors on Musical Judgments. Music Perception, 35(1), pp. 94-117. ISSN 0730-7829
Dr Manuel Anglada-Tort
Manu studies the psychology of complex cultural systems, such as music, creativity, and the arts.
Staff details
Goldsmiths Research Centres/Groups
I am a Lecturer in Psychology at Goldsmiths and a visiting researcher in the Computational Auditory Perception Group at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.
I am interested in understanding the psychological and cultural foundations of complex human behaviours such as music and art, and the role they play in human societies and cultural evolution. My research combines computational methods with innovative psychological experiments to study how such behaviours emerge through the interplay of human cognition, social interaction, and cultural transmission.
For example, see my research on how cultural transmission shapes the evolution of human song, read a recent study about the influence of weather conditions on music success in the UK, or check out REPP, a Python package to run high-precision synchronisation studies over the internet, such as tapping to the beat of music.
Teaching and supervision
Research interests
My works combines computational methods with innovative psychological experiments to study topics in the following areas:
- Cultural evolution
- Music perception and cognition
- Empirical aesthetics
- Creativity
- Big data and corpus analyses
Featured publications
Large-scale iterated singing experiments reveal oral transmission mechanisms underlying music evolution
Current Biology
Here comes the sun: music features of popular songs reflect prevailing weather conditions
Royal Society Open Science
Genome-wide association study of musical beat synchronization demonstrates high polygenicity
Nature Human Behaviour
REPP: A robust cross-platform solution for online sensorimotor synchronization experiments
Behavior Research Methods
I’ve heard that brand before: the role of music recognition on consumer choice
International Journal of Advertising
Publications and research outputs
- Globally, songs and instrumental melodies are slower and higher and use more stable pitches than speech: A Registered Report Ozaki, Yuto; Tierney, Adam; Pfordresher, Peter Q.; McBride, John M.; Benetos, Emmanouil; Proutskova, Polina; Chiba, Gakuto; Liu, Fang; Jacoby, Nori; Purdy, Suzanne C.; Opondo, Patricia; Fitch, W. Tecumseh; Hegde, Shantala; Rocamora, Martín; Thorne, Rob; Nweke, Florence; Sadaphal, Dhwani P.; Sadaphal, Parimal M.; Hadavi, Shafagh; Fujii, Shinya; Choo, Sangbuem; Naruse, Marin; Ehara, Utae; Sy, Latyr; Parselelo, Mark Lenini; Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Hansen, Niels Chr.; Haiduk, Felix; Færøvik, Ulvhild; Magalhães, Violeta; Krzyżanowski, Wojciech; Shcherbakova, Olena; Hereld, Diana; Barbosa, Brenda Suyanne; Varella, Marco Antonio Correa; van Tongeren, Mark; Dessiatnitchenko, Polina; Zar, Su Zar; El Kahla, Iyadh; Muslu, Olcay; Troy, Jakelin; Lomsadze, Teona; Kurdova, Dilyana; Tsope, Cristiano; Fredriksson, Daniel; Arabadjiev, Aleksandar; Sarbah, Jehoshaphat Philip; Arhine, Adwoa; Meachair, Tadhg Ó; Silva-Zurita, Javier; Soto-Silva, Ignacio; Millalonco, Neddiel Elcie Muñoz; Ambrazevičius, Rytis; Loui, Psyche; Ravignani, Andrea; Jadoul, Yannick; Larrouy-Maestri, Pauline; Bruder, Camila; Teyxokawa, Tutushamum Puri; Kuikuro, Urise; Natsitsabui, Rogerdison; Sagarzazu, Nerea Bello; Raviv, Limor; Zeng, Minyu; Varnosfaderani, Shahaboddin Dabaghi; Gómez-Cañón, Juan Sebastián; Kolff, Kayla; der Nederlanden, Christina Vanden Bosch; Chhatwal, Meyha; David, Ryan Mark; Setiawan, I. Putu Gede; Lekakul, Great; Borsan, Vanessa Nina; Nguqu, Nozuko and Savage, Patrick E.. 2024. Globally, songs and instrumental melodies are slower and higher and use more stable pitches than speech: A Registered Report. Science Advances, 10(20), eadm9797. ISSN 2375-2548
- Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries Jacoby, Nori; Polak, Rainer; Grahn, Jessica A.; Cameron, Daniel J.; Lee, Kyung Myun; Godoy, Ricardo; Undurraga, Eduardo A.; Huanca, Tomás; Thalwitzer, Timon; Doumbia, Noumouké; Goldberg, Daniel; Margulis, Elizabeth H.; Wong, Patrick C. M.; Jure, Luis; Rocamora, Martín; Fujii, Shinya; Savage, Patrick E.; Ajimi, Jun; Konno, Rei; Oishi, Sho; Jakubowski, Kelly; Holzapfel, Andre; Mungan, Esra; Kaya, Ece; Rao, Preeti; Rohit, Mattur A.; Alladi, Suvarna; Tarr, Bronwyn; Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Harrison, Peter M. C.; McPherson, Malinda J.; Dolan, Sophie; Durango, Alex and McDermott, Josh H.. 2024. Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries. Nature Human Behaviour, 8(5), pp. 846-877. ISSN 2397-3374
- Here comes the sun: music features of popular songs reflect prevailing weather conditions Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Lee, Harin; Krause, Amanda E. and North, Adrian C.. 2023. Here comes the sun: music features of popular songs reflect prevailing weather conditions. Royal Society Open Science, 10(5), 221443. ISSN 2054-5703
Media engagements
Music and the mind: a profile of Dr Manuel Anglada Tort
Oxford News
Have your say: Does the weather influence the music you listen to?
BBC News
Music Evolution & Empirical Aesthetics
Multivereses podcast
Conferences and talks
Bridging between micro and macro-level cultural dynamics of music: Advanced online experiments and big data
Whitehead Lecture, Goldsmiths, University of London
Studying the effect of oral transmission on music evolution through online singing experiments
Oxford Seminar, University of Oxford
Studying cultural dynamics at scale through human singing experiments: Variation, fitness, and inheritance
Networks and Cognition, Princeton University