Professor Joydeep Bhattacharya

Joy studies complex human behaviour including music, language, aesthetics, decision making, flow and creativity.

Staff details

I am a Professor of Psychology. Before joining Goldsmiths, I was associated with Max Planck Institute (Germany), Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria), and California Institute of Technology (USA). I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and the Association for Psychological Science.

I have a wide-ranging research interest, but specifically, over the last twenty years, I have been investigating the neural mechanisms of creative cognition, including several forms of artistic activities (music cognition, visual artistry), and the elusive Aha! moment. I am equally fascinated by the challenges of understanding ever-changing brainwaves and the spectrum of complex behaviour that makes us human.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD (Thesis: In search of regularity in irregular, complex time series) 2000

Teaching and supervision

I supervise projects on various topics related to creativity, aesthetics, music cognition, decision-making, problem-solving, personality and individual differences, and flow.

Research interests

My main themes of research relate to the study of complex cognition including creativity, music perception, emotion, and flow. I am a member of our Cognition and Neuroscience Research Group. I have published more than 150 articles on the following topics (in alphabetical order):

Chaos theory
Decision making
Flow experience
Individual differences
Music perception and neuroscience of music cognition
Neuroimaging (EEG, MEG, fMRI)
Brain network
Noninvasive brain stimulation
Nonlinear time series analysis

Publications and research outputs


Book Section


Conference or Workshop Item

Collaboration with non-academic partners

I have received several consultancy research grants funded by private companies/organizations.