- Characterizing the middle-age neurophysiology using EEG/MEG Gula, Justyna; Herrojo Ruiz, Maria and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2021. Characterizing the middle-age neurophysiology using EEG/MEG. Neurobiology of Aging, ISSN 0197-4580
- Probing the architecture of visual number sense with parietal tRNS Karolis, Vyacheslav R.; Grinyaev, Mikhail; Epure, Andreea; Tsoy, Vyacheslav; Du Rietz, Ebba; Banissy, Michael J.; Cappelletti, Marinella and Kovas, Yulia. 2018. Probing the architecture of visual number sense with parietal tRNS. Cortex, 114, pp. 54-66. ISSN 0010-9452
- Learning facts during aging: the benefits of curiosity Galli, Giulia; Sirota, Miroslav; Gruber, Matthias J.; Ivanof, Bianca Elena; Ganesh, Janani; Materassi, Maurizio; Thorpe, Alistair; Loaiza, Vanessa; Cappelletti, Marinella and Craik, Fergus I. M.. 2018. Learning facts during aging: the benefits of curiosity. Learning facts during aging: the benefits of curiosity, 44(4), pp. 1-18. ISSN 0361-073X
- Alpha Oscillations Are Causally Linked to Inhibitory Abilities in Ageing Borghini, Giulia; Candini, Michela; Filannino, Cristina; Hussain, Masud; Walsh, Vincent; Romei, Vincenzo; Zokaei, Nahid and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2018. Alpha Oscillations Are Causally Linked to Inhibitory Abilities in Ageing. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38(18), pp. 4418-4429. ISSN 0270-6474
- How serially organized working memory information interacts 3 with timing Cappelletti, Marinella. 2016. How serially organized working memory information interacts 3 with timing. Psychological Research, 81(6), pp. 1255-1263. ISSN 0340-0727
- Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over Posterior Parietal Cortex enhances distinct aspects of Visual Working Memory Heinen, Klaartje; Sagliano, Laura; Candini, Michela; Husain, Masud; Cappelletti, Marinella and Zokaei, Nahid. 2016. Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over Posterior Parietal Cortex enhances distinct aspects of Visual Working Memory. Neuropsychologia, 87, pp. 35-42. ISSN 0028-3932
- Enhancing duration processing with parietal brain stimulation Dormal, Valerie; Javadi, Amir-Homayoun; Pesenti, Mauro; Walsh, Vincent and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2016. Enhancing duration processing with parietal brain stimulation. Neuropsychologia, 85, pp. 272-277. ISSN 0028-3932
- Enhancing duration processing with parietal brain stimulation Cappelletti, Marinella. 2016. Enhancing duration processing with parietal brain stimulation. Neuropsychologia, 85, pp. 272-277. ISSN 0028-3932
- The Remapping of Time by Active Tool-Use Anelli, Filomena; Candini, Michela; Cappelletti, Marinella; Oliveri, Massimiliano and Frassinetti, Francesca. 2015. The Remapping of Time by Active Tool-Use. PLoS ONE, 10(12), e0146175. ISSN 1932-6203
- ‘How many’ and ‘how much’ dissociate in the parietal lobe Lecce, Francesca; Walsh, Vincent; Didino, Daniele and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2015. ‘How many’ and ‘how much’ dissociate in the parietal lobe. Cortex, 73, pp. 73-79. ISSN 0010-9452
- Learning to integrate vs inhibiting information is modulated by age Cappelletti, Marinella; Pikkat, Helen; Upstill, Emily; Speekenbrink, Maarten and Walsh, Vincent. 2015. Learning to integrate vs inhibiting information is modulated by age. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(5), pp. 2213-2225. ISSN 0270-6474
- Better Together? The Cognitive Advantages of Synaesthesia for Time, Numbers and Space Cappelletti, Marinella. 2014. Better Together? The Cognitive Advantages of Synaesthesia for Time, Numbers and Space. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 31(7-8), pp. 545-564. ISSN 0264-3294
- Commonalities for Numerical and Continuous Quantity Skills at Temporo-parietal Junction. Cappelletti, Marinella; Chamberlain, Rebecca; Freemana, Elliot D.; Kanai, Ryota; Butterworth, Brian; Price, Cathy J. and Rees, Geraint. 2014. Commonalities for Numerical and Continuous Quantity Skills at Temporo-parietal Junction. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(5), pp. 986-999. ISSN 0898-929X
- Widespread age-related differences in the human brain microstructure revealed by quantitative magnetic resonance imaging Callaghan, M.F.; Freund, P.; Draganski, B.; Anderson, E.; Cappelletti, Marinella; Chowdhury, R.; Diedrichsen, J.; FitzGerald, T.H.B.; Smittenaar, P.; Helms, G.; Lutti, A. and Weiskopf, N.. 2014. Widespread age-related differences in the human brain microstructure revealed by quantitative magnetic resonance imaging. Neurobiology of Aging, 35(8), pp. 1862-1872. ISSN 0197-4580
- Number skills are maintained in healthy ageing Cappelletti, Marinella; Didino, Daniele; Stoianov, Ivilin and Zorzi, Marco. 2014. Number skills are maintained in healthy ageing. Cognitive Psychology, 69, pp. 25-45. ISSN 0010-0285
- Time counts: Bidirectional interaction between time and numbers in human adults Arend, Larry; Cappelletti, Marinella and Henik, A. 2014. Time counts: Bidirectional interaction between time and numbers in human adults. Consciousness and Cognition, 26(1), pp. 3-12. ISSN 1053-8100
- Impaired Numerical Ability Affects Supra-Second Time Estimation Gilaie-Dotan, Sharon; Rees, Geraint; Butterworth, Brian and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2014. Impaired Numerical Ability Affects Supra-Second Time Estimation. Timing & Time Perception, 2(2), pp. 169-187. ISSN 2213-445X
- Residual number processing in dyscalculia Cappelletti, Marinella and Price, Cathy J.. 2014. Residual number processing in dyscalculia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, pp. 18-28. ISSN 2213-1582
- Transfer of Cognitive Training across Magnitude Dimensions Achieved with Concurrent Brain Stimulation of the Parietal Lobe Cappelletti, Marinella; Gessaroli, Erica; Hithersay, Rosalyn; Mitolo, Micaela; Didino, Daniele; Kanai, Ryota; Cohen Kadosh, Roi and Walsh, Vincent. 2013. Transfer of Cognitive Training across Magnitude Dimensions Achieved with Concurrent Brain Stimulation of the Parietal Lobe. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(37), 14899 -14907. ISSN 0270-6474
- Numbers and time doubly dissociate Cappelletti, Marinella; Freemana, Elliot D. and Cipolotti, Lisa. 2011. Numbers and time doubly dissociate. Neuropsychologia, 49(11), pp. 3078-3092. ISSN 0028-3932
- The Role of Right and Left Parietal Lobes in the Conceptual Processing of Numbers Cappelletti, Marinella; Ling Lee, Hwee; Freemana, Elliot D. and Price, Cathy J.. 2010. The Role of Right and Left Parietal Lobes in the Conceptual Processing of Numbers. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(2), pp. 331-346. ISSN 0898-929X
Dr Marinella Cappelletti
Marinella is a cognitive neuroscientist interested in studying how the brain learns and how it ages.
Staff details
Marinella is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London interested in studying how the brain learns and how it ages. With her colleagues of the Cognition and Neuroscience Group, she uses non-invasive brain stimulation techniques and EEG in combination with behavioural and psychophysical measurements, often using numerical cognition as a model for understanding how the younger and older brain works. As well as doing science, we also contribute to teaching and training students and other researchers. We enjoy running and publishing cool and interesting experiments, but to keep the inspiration for good science we also make sure we have a good work/life balance.
Grants and Awards
Marinella’s work has received generous external funding from a number of organizations, and in particular: The Wellcome Trust (PhD scholarship and Personal Training Fellowship), the Royal Society (Dorothy Hodgkin Personal Fellowship and Research Grant), the British Academy and the Italian ‘Ministero Della Salute’.
Public Engagement and Knowledge Exchange
Along the years, Marinella built up a wide experience to support science communication as well as to promote gender equality in science. Some examples include:
- Providing seminars and workshops to colleagues and students on research-related topics such as brain and cognition in the lifespan.
- Leading the Departmental Athena Swan application aiming to an award celebrating equality and diversity in the department.
- Engagement in public-facing events such as TEDx Women, panel discussions and seminars, for instance on diversity and equality open to academic and non-academic in Goldsmiths.
Publications and research outputs
- Cognitive reserve modulates mental health in adulthood Porricelli, Daniele; Tecilla, Margherita; Pucci, Veronica; Di Rosa, Elisa; Mondini, Sara and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2024. Cognitive reserve modulates mental health in adulthood. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 36(1), 139. ISSN 1720-8319
- Multivariate patterns and long-range temporal correlations of alpha oscillations are associated with flexible manipulation of visual working memory representations Golemme, Mara; Tatti, Elisa; Di Bernardi Luft, Caroline; Bhattacharya, Joydeep; Herrojo Ruiz, Maria and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2021. Multivariate patterns and long-range temporal correlations of alpha oscillations are associated with flexible manipulation of visual working memory representations. European Journal of Neuroscience, 54(9), pp. 7260-7273. ISSN 0953-816X
- Gamma oscillations modulate working memory recall precision Thompson, Lyall; Khuc, Janine; Saccani, Maria Silvia; Zokaei, Nahid and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2021. Gamma oscillations modulate working memory recall precision. Experimental Brain Research, 239(9), pp. 2711-2724. ISSN 0014-4819
Research Interests
Marinella’s main themes of research relate to cognitive psychology and neuroscience, and in particular to the study of the brain across the lifespan. Her key-areas of interest are listed below. For full details on projects see ‘forthcoming’.
- Numerical cognition
- Memory
- Executive functions
- Learning
- Individual Differences
- Ageing
- Middle ageing
- Lifespan
- Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation