Dr Maria Herrojo Ruiz

María is interested in computational approaches to motor learning and decision making.

Staff details

María is a Reader at the Department of Psychology, where she also co-directs the MSc in Computational Cognitive Neuroscience.
Her research examines the neural processes underlying motor learning and decision-making, employing advanced methodological and computational techniques. Bridging her background in Theoretical Physics with a PhD in Neuroscience, she investigates decision-making and motor learning in both mental health and neurological conditions. Her long-standing research in the neuroscience of musical performance has evolved to focus on performance anxiety, where she now applies computational psychiatry methods to gain deeper insights into this phenomenon. She has received various awards, including the Susanne Klein-Vogelbach Prize for research in human movement (2014). María is also dedicated to public engagement, contributing to a variety of international media, including regular radio collaborations with Spanish RTVE.es, BBC Radio 3 & 4 and the Conversation.

Academic qualifications

  • Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat, PhD) in Neuroscience, Centre for Systems Neuroscience. Hanover (Germany) 2009
  • Advanced Studies Diploma (MPhil.) in Physics of Complex Systems, Department of Fundamental Physics, Faculty of Science, UNED. Madrid (Spain) 2005
  • MSc. degree in Physics (Theoretical Physics), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Madrid (Spain). 2001

Research interests

María's main themes of research relate to the areas of motor, clinical and computational cognitive neuroscience. She is a member of our Cognition and Neuroscience Group and our Science of the Creative and Performing Arts Group.
Key areas of interest are listed below.
Additional details can be found at http://maria-herrojoruiz.net/

Motor Learning
Music Performance
Computational Modelling
Decision Making
Movement Disorders
Psychiatric conditions

Publications and research outputs


Conference or Workshop Item

Professional projects

María received funding from the Ernst Schering Stiftung and the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience in Tübingen, Germany, to co-organise with Prof. Boris Kleber the “International Symposium on Music performance: Art and Neuroscience in Dialogue” in April 2016 in Tübingen, which involved international musicians, academics and members of the general public. Together with Dr. Anna Sadnicka and Dr. Katja Kornisheva, María received funding from Guarantors of Brain to host a symposium for the general public in 2023 on "Public Understanding of Neurology".

Media engagements

2019: BBC Radio 3 - David Baddiel is on a quest to like classical music
Interview with David Baddiel on neuroscience and music

2019: What happens to our brains when we hear music we hate?
Join David Baddiel and friends on a journey though history, music and emotion by searching BBC Sounds for "My Trouble with Classical Music"

2018: Spanish Radio and Television Corporation (RTVE) - Longitud de Onda
Monthly collaboration 2016-2019 to talk about music and neuroscience

2017: The Anthill - The Conversation
Podcast on music and Parkinson's Disease