Kale, Dimitra; Pickering, Alan and Cooper, Andrew. 2023. Electronic cigarette use among adult smokers: longitudinal associations with smoking and trait impulsivity. Journal of Substance Use, ISSN 1465-9891
Lloyd-Cox, James; Pickering, Alan; Beaty, Roger and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2023. Towards Greater Computational Modeling in Neurocognitive Creativity Research. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, ISSN 1931-3896
Stolz, Christopher; Pickering, Alan and Mueller, Erik M.. 2023. Dissociable feedback valence effects on frontal midline theta during reward gain versus threat avoidance learning. Psychophysiology, 60(5), e14235. ISSN 0048-5772
du Rocher, Andrew R. and Pickering, Alan. 2022. STAI-Anxiety and STAI-Depression Revisited. Journal of Individual Differences, 43(4), pp. 206-215. ISSN 1614-0001
Lloyd-Cox, James; Pickering, Alan and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2022. Evaluating creativity: how idea context and rater personality affect considerations of novelty and usefulness. Creativity Research Journal, 34(4), pp. 373-390. ISSN 1040-0419
Smith, Kaile; Pickering, Alan and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2022. The Creative Life: A Daily Diary Study of Creativity, Affect, and Well-Being in Creative Individuals. Creativity Research Journal, 34(4), pp. 460-479. ISSN 1040-0419
Kale, Dimitra; Pickering, Alan and Cooper, Andrew. 2020. Examining the relationship between impulsivity-related personality traits and e-cigarette use in adults. Addictive Behaviors, 106, 106348. ISSN 0306-4603
Kale, Dimitra; Pickering, Alan and Cooper, Andrew. 2020. Examining the Psychometric Properties of the CEAC (Comparing e-Cigarette and Cigarette) Questionnaire and Its Usefulness as a Predictor of e-Cigarette Use. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(1), pp. 147-155. ISSN 1082-6084
Smillie, Luke D.; Jach, Hayley K. M.; Hughes, David M.; Wacker, Jan; Cooper, Andrew and Pickering, Alan. 2019. Extraversion and Reward-Processing: Consolidating Evidence from an Electroencephalographic Index of Reward-Prediction-Error. Biological Psychology, 146, 107735. ISSN 0301-0511
du Rocher, Andrew and Pickering, Alan. 2018. The effects of social anxiety on emotional face discrimination and its modulation by mouth salience. Cognition and Emotion, 33(4), pp. 832-839. ISSN 0269-9931
du Rocher, A. R. and Pickering, Alan. 2017. Trait anxiety, infrequent emotional conflict, and the emotional face Stroop task. Personality and Individual Differences, 111, pp. 157-162. ISSN 0191-8869
Kuhn, Gustav; Pickering, Alan and Cole, Geoff G.. 2016. Rare” Emotive Faces and Attentional Orienting. Emotion, 16(1), pp. 1-5. ISSN 1528-3542
Pickering, Alan; Smillie, Luke D. and DeYoung, Colin G.. 2016. Neurotic Individuals are not Creative Thinkers. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 20(1), pp. 1-2. ISSN 1364 6613
Pickering, Alan and Pesola, Francesca. 2014. Modeling dopaminergic and other processes involved in learning from reward prediction error: contributions from an individual differences perspective. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, pp. 1-20. ISSN 1662-5161
Cooper, Andrew; Duke, Eilish; Pickering, Alan and Smillie, Luke D.. 2014. Individual differences in reward prediction error: Contrasting relations between feedback-related negativity and trait measures of reward sensitivity, impulsivity and extraversion. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 248. ISSN 1662-5161
Rigato, Silvia; Bremner, Andrew J.; Mason, Luke; Pickering, Alan; Davis, Robert and Van Velzen, Jose L.. 2013. The electrophysiological time course of somatosensory spatial remapping: vision of the hands modulates effects of posture on somatosensory evoked potentials. European Journal of Neuroscience, 38(6), pp. 2884-2892. ISSN 0953-816X
Brotherton, Robert; French, Christopher C. and Pickering, Alan. 2013. Measuring Belief in Conspiracy Theories: The Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 279. ISSN 1664-1078
Pickering, Alan; Cooper, Andrew; Smillie, Luke and Corr, Philip. 2013. On the shoulders of giants. The Psychologist, 26(1), pp. 22-25. ISSN 0952-8229
Perkins, Adam M; Inchley-Mort, Sophie L; Pickering, Alan; Corr, Philip J and Burgess, Adrian P. 2012. A facial expression for anxiety. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102(5), pp. 910-924. ISSN 0022-3514
Cochrane, Mary; Petch, Ian and Pickering, Alan. 2012. Aspects of cognitive functioning in schizotypy and schizophrenia: Evidence for a continuum model. Psychiatry Research, 196(2/3), pp. 230-234. ISSN 0165-1781
Smillie, Luke D.; Cooper, Andrew and Pickering, Alan. 2011. Individual differences in reward-prediction-error: extraversion and feedback-related negativity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6(5), pp. 646-652. ISSN 1749-5016
Powell, Jane H.; Dawkins, Lynne; West, Robert; Powell, John and Pickering, Alan. 2011. Erratum to: Relapse to smoking during unaided cessation: clinical, cognitive and motivational predictors. Psychopharmacology, 215(3), p. 607. ISSN 0033-3158
Tharp, Ian J. and Pickering, Alan. 2011. Individual differences in cognitive-flexibility: The influence of spontaneous eyeblink rate, trait psychoticism and working memory on attentional set-shifting. Brain and Cognition, 75(2), pp. 119-125.
Pickering, Alan. 2010. Stop! In the Name of Conflict: Breaking into the Heart of Behavioural Inhibition? European Journal of Personality, 24(5), ISSN 0890-2070
Smillie, Luke D.; Cooper, Andrew; Proitsi, Petroula; Powell, John F. and Pickering, Alan. 2010. Variation in DRD2 dopamine gene predicts extraverted personality. Neuroscience Letters, 468(3), pp. 234-237. ISSN 03043940
Cochrane, Mary; Petch, Ian and Pickering, Alan. 2010. Do measures of schizotypal personality provide non-clinical analogues of schizophrenic symptomatology? Psychiatry Research, 176(2-3), pp. 150-154.
Powell, Jane H.; Dawkins, Lynne; West, Robert; Powell, John and Pickering, Alan. 2010. Relapse to smoking during unaided cessation: clinical, cognitive and motivational predictors. Psychopharmacology, 212(4), pp. 537-549. ISSN 0033-3158
Tharp, Ian J. and Pickering, Alan. 2009. A note on DeCaro, Thomas, and Beilock (2008): Further data demonstrate complexities in the assessment of information–integration category learning. Cognition, 111(3), pp. 410-414. ISSN 0010-0277
Dawkins, Lynne; Powell, Jane H.; Pickering, Alan; Powell, John F. and West, Robert. 2009. Patterns of change in withdrawal symptoms, desire to smoke, reward motivation and response inhibition across 3 months of smoking abstinence. Addiction, 104(5), pp. 850-858. ISSN 0965-2140
Powell, Jane H.; Dawkins, Lynne; Pickering, Alan and West, Robert. 2007. A double-blind placebo-controlled experimental study of nicotine: II-Effects on response inhibition and executive functioning. Psychopharmacology, 190(4), pp. 457-468. ISSN 00333158
Steel, Craig; Hemsley, David and Pickering, Alan. 2007. Associations between schizotypal personality traits and the facilitation and inhibition of the speed of contextually cued responses. Psychiatry Research, 150(2), pp. 131-141. ISSN 01651781
Pickering, Alan; Dawkins, Lynne; Powell, Jane H. and West, Robert. 2006. A double-blind placebo controlled experimental study of nicotine: I - effects on incentive motivation. Psychopharmacology, 189(3), pp. 355-367. ISSN 00333158
Smillie, Luke D.; Pickering, Alan and Jackson, Chris J.. 2006. The new reinforcement sensitivity theory: Implications for personality measurement. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10(4), pp. 320-335. ISSN 10888683
Pickering, Alan; Davidoff, Jules B.; Fagot, J. and Goldstein, J.. 2006. Cross-species differences in color categorization. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 13(2), pp. 275-280. ISSN 10699384
Ayers, S and Pickering, Alan. 2005. Women's expectations and experience of birth. Psychology and Health, 20(1), pp. 79-92. ISSN 0887-0446
Cochrane, M and Pickering, Alan. 2004. The influence of schizotypal personality on measures of executive function in healthy individuals. Schizophrenia Research, 67(1), pp. 243-244. ISSN 0920-9964
Powell, Jane H.; Pickering, Alan; Dawkins, Lynne; West, Robert and Powell, John F.. 2004. Cognitive and psychological correlates of smoking abstinence, and predictors of successful cessation. Addictive Behaviors, 29(7), pp. 1407-1426. ISSN 03064603
Junger, Marianne; West, Robert; Maassen, Gerard; Train, Helen; Pickering, Alan; Taylor, Eric and West, Anne. 2004. Delinquency and accidents in children. The ADHD Report, 12(3), pp. 6-15. ISSN 1065-8025
Maddox, W Todd; Ashby, F Gregory; Ing, A David and Pickering, Alan. 2004. Disrupting feedback processing interferes with rule-based but not information-integration category learning. Memory & Cognition, 32(4), pp. 582-591. ISSN 0090-502X
Valentine, Tim; Darling, S. and Pickering, Alan. 2003. Characteristics of eyewitness identification that predict the outcome of real lineups. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 17(8), pp. 969-993. ISSN 08884080
O'Tuathaigh, CMP; Salum, C; Young, AMJ; Pickering, Alan; Joseph, MH and Moran, PM. 2003. The effect of amphetamine on Kamin blocking and overshadowing. Behavioural Pharmacology, 14(4), pp. 315-322. ISSN 0955-8810
Pickering, Alan; Hemsley, D.; Gray, N. and Gray, J.. 2002. The partial reinforcement extinction effect in humans: Effects of schizophrenia, schizotypy and low doses of amphetamine. Behavioural Brain Research, 133(2), pp. 333-342. ISSN 01664328
Steel, C; Hemsley, DR and Pickering, Alan. 2002. Distractor cueing effects on choice reaction time and their relationship with schizotypal personality. British journal of clinical psychology, 41(2), pp. 143-156. ISSN 0144-6657
Peters, Emmanuelle R; Nunn, Julia A; Pickering, Alan and Hemsley, David R. 2002. Perceptual organization deficits in psychotic patients. Psychiatry Research, 110(2), pp. 125-135. ISSN 0165-1781
Bateman, Andrew; Culpan, Jane; Pickering, Alan; Powell, Jane H.; Scott, Oona and Greenwood, Richard. 2001. The effect of aerobic training on rehabilitation outcomes after recent severe brain injury: A randomized controlled evaluation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 82(2), pp. 174-182. ISSN 00039993
McCartan, Denise; Bell, Robert; Green, Jonathan F; Campbell, Clarke; Trimble, Karen; Pickering, Alan and King, David J. 2001. The differential effects of chlorpromazine and haloperidol on latent inhibition in healthy volunteers. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 15(2), pp. 96-104. ISSN 0269-8811
Steel, C; Haworth, EJ; Peters, E; Hemsley, DR; Sharma, T; Gray, JA; Pickering, Alan; Gregory, L; Simmons, A; Bullmore, ET and Williams, SCR. 2001. Neuroimaging correlates of negative priming. Neuroreport, 12(16), pp. 3619-3624. ISSN 0959-4965
Ayers, Susan and Pickering, Alan. 2001. Do women get posttraumatic stress disorder as a result of childbirth? A prospective study of incidence. Birth, 28(2), pp. 111-118. ISSN 0730-7659
Pickering, Alan. 2000. Dynamic thresholds for controlling encoding and retrieval operations in localist (or distributed) neural networks: The need for biologically plausible implementations. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23(04), pp. 488-489. ISSN 0140-525X
Peters, Emmanuelle R; Pickering, Alan; Kent, Andrew; Glasper, Anthony; Irani, Mondana; David, Anthony S; Day, Samantha and Hemsley, David R. 2000. The relationship between cognitive inhibition and psychotic symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 109(3), pp. 386-395. ISSN 0021-843X
West, Robert; Train, Helen; Junger, Marianne; West, Anne and Pickering, Alan. 1999. Accidents and problem behaviour. The Psychologist, 12(8), pp. 395-397. ISSN 0952-8229
Pickering, Alan. 1999. Personality correlates of the dopaminergic facilitation of incentive motivation: Impulsive sensation seeking rather than extraversion? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22(03), pp. 534-535. ISSN 0140-525X
Pickering, Alan. 1999. The neural bases of recollection and familiarity: Preliminary tests of the Aggleton--Brown mode. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22(03), pp. 465-466. ISSN 0140-525X
Abrahams, Sharon; Morris, RG; Polkey, CE; Jarosz, JM; Cox, TCS; Graves, M and Pickering, Alan. 1999. Hippocampal involvement in spatial and working memory: a structural MRI analysis of patients with unilateral mesial temporal lobe sclerosis. Brain and Cognition, 41(1), pp. 39-65. ISSN 0278-2626
Pickering, Alan and Gray, Jeffrey A. 1999. The neuroscience of personality. Handbook of personality: Theory and research, 2, pp. 277-299.
Pickering, Alan; Corr, PJ and Gray, JA. 1999. Interactions and reinforcement sensitivity theory: A theoretical analysis of Rusting and Larsen (1997). Personality and Individual Differences, 26(2), pp. 357-365. ISSN 0191-8869)
Salum, Cristiane; Roque da Silva, Antônio and Pickering, Alan. 1999. Striatal dopamine in attentional learning: a computational model. Neurocomputing, 26, pp. 845-854. ISSN 0925-2312
Corr, Philip J; Pickering, Alan and Gray, Jeffrey A. 1997. Personality, punishment, and procedural learning: a test of J. A. Gray's anxiety theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73(2), pp. 337-344. ISSN 0022-3514
Gray, NS; Pickering, Alan; Gray, JA; Jones, Steven H; Abrahams, S and Hemsley, DR. 1997. Kamin blocking is not disrupted by amphetamine in human subjects. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 11(4), pp. 301-311. ISSN 0269-8811
Pickering, Alan. 1997. The conceptual nervous system and personality: From Pavlov to neural networks. European Psychologist, 2(2), pp. 139-163. ISSN 1016-9040
Abrahams, S; Goldstein, LH; Al-Chalabi, A; Pickering, Alan; Morris, RG; Passingham, RE; Brooks, DJ and Leigh, PN. 1997. Relation between cognitive dysfunction and pseudobulbar palsy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 62(5), pp. 464-472. ISSN 0022-3050
Ayers, S and Pickering, Alan. 1997. Psychological factors and ultrasound: differences between routine and high-risk scans. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 9(2), pp. 76-79. ISSN 0960-7692
Abrahams, S; Pickering, Alan; Polkey, CE and Morris, RG. 1997. Spatial memory deficits in patients with unilateral damage to the right hippocampal formation. Neuropsychologia, 35(1), pp. 11-24. ISSN 0028-3932
Pickering, Alan. 1997. New approaches to the study of amnesic patients: what can a neurofunctional philosophy and neural network methods offer? Memory, 5(1-2), pp. 255-300. ISSN 0965-8211
Pickering, Alan; Hernaiz, H and Gray, JA. 1997. El uso del reforzamiento verbal en la teoría de Gray: Un estudio piloto. Revista de psicología general y aplicada: Revista de la Federación Española de Asociaciones de Psicología, 50(1), pp. 61-71. ISSN 0373-2002
White, REB; Pickering, Alan and Spathis, GS. 1996. Mood disorder and chronic hypercalcemia. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 41(4), pp. 343-347. ISSN 0022-3999
Gray, NS; Pickering, Alan and Gray, JA. 1996. Increased schizotypy scores in normal subjects following the oral administration of d-amphetamine. Schizophrenia Research, 18(2), p. 119. ISSN 0920-9964
Page, Michael PA; Howard, Robert J; O'Brien, John T; Burtonthomas, MS and Pickering, Alan. 1996. Use of neural networks in brain SPECT to diagnose Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 37(2), pp. 195-200. ISSN 0161-5505
Tata, Philip R; Leibowitz, Judy A; Prunty, Mark J; Cameron, Mary and Pickering, Alan. 1996. Attentional bias in obsessional compulsive disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 34(1), pp. 53-60. ISSN 0005-7967
Morris, Robin G; Pickering, Alan; Abrahams, Sharon and Feigenbaum, Janet D. 1996. Space and the hippocampal formation in humans. Brain Research Bulletin, 40(5), pp. 487-490. ISSN 0361-9230
Corr, Philip J; Pickering, Alan and Gray, Jeffrey A. 1995. Personality and reinforcement in associative and instrumental learning. Personality and Individual Differences, 19(1), pp. 47-71. ISSN 0191-8869
Corr, Philip J; Pickering, Alan and Gray, Jeffrey A. 1995. Sociability/impulsivity and caffeine-induced arousal: Critical flicker/fusion frequency and procedural learning. Personality and Individual Differences, 18(6), pp. 713-730. ISSN 0191-8869
Pickering, Alan; Díaz, Amelia and Gray, Jeffrey A. 1995. Personality and reinforcement: An exploration using a maze-learning task. Personality and Individual Differences, 18(4), pp. 541-558. ISSN 0191-8869
Gray, Nicola S; Pickering, Alan and Gray, Jeffrey A. 1994. Psychoticism and dopamine D2 binding in the basal ganglia using single photon emission tomography. Personality and Individual Differences, 17(3), pp. 431-434. ISSN 0191-8869
Peters, Emmanuelle R; Pickering, Alan and Hemsley, David R. 1994. "Cognitive inhibition" and positive symptomatology in schizotypy. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 33(1), pp. 33-48. ISSN 0144-6657
Tata, Philip R; Rollings, J; Collins, M; Pickering, Alan and Jacobson, RR. 1994. Lack of cognitive recovery following withdrawal from long-term benzodiazepine use. Psychological Medicine, 24(01), pp. 203-213. ISSN 0033-2917
Peters, ER; Pickering, Alan and Hemsley, DR. 1994. Gestalt Processing and Psychotic Symptoms. Schizophrenia Research, 11(2), p. 157.
D\'\iaz, Amelia and Pickering, Alan. 1993. The relationship between Gray's and Eysenck's personality spaces. Personality and Individual Differences, 15(3), pp. 297-305. ISSN 0191-8869
Pickering, Alan. 1993. Schizophrenia: In context or in the garbage can? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16(1), pp. 205-206. ISSN 0140-525X
Pickering, Alan. 1993. The hippocampus and space: are we flogging a dead (sea-) horse? Hippocampus, 3(1), pp. 113-114. ISSN 1050-9631
Powell, Jane H.; Pickering, Alan; Wyke, Maria and Goggin, T. 1993. The effects of anti-hypertensive medication on learning and memory. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 35(2), pp. 105-113. ISSN 0306-5251
Gray, NS; Pickering, Alan; Hemsley, DR; Dawling, S and Gray, JA. 1992. Abolition of latent inhibition by a single 5 mg dose ofd-amphetamine in man. Psychopharmacology, 107(2), pp. 425-430. ISSN 0033-3158
Meudell, Peter R; Mayes, Andrew R; MacDonald, C; Pickering, Alan and Fairbairn, Andrew F. 1991. Korsakoff amnesics are poor at judging the sequence of two tones. Cortex, 27(3), pp. 431-439. ISSN 0010-9452
Paller, Ken A; Mayes, Andrew R; McDermott, Mark; Pickering, Alan and Meudell, Peter R. 1991. Indirect measures of memory in a duration-judgement task are normal in amnesic patients. Neuropsychologia, 29(10), pp. 1007-1018. ISSN 0028-3932
Shoqeirat, Mohammed A; Mayes, Andrew; MacDonald, Christopher; Meudell, Peter and Pickering, Alan. 1990. Performance on tests sensitive to frontal lobe lesions by patients with organic amnesia: Leng & Parkin revisited. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 29(4), pp. 401-408. ISSN 0144-6657
Mayes, A. R.; Baddeley, A. D.; Cockburn, J.; Meudell, P R.; Pickering, Alan and Wilson, B.. 1989. Why are amnesic judgements of recency and frequency made in a qualitatively different way from those of normal people? Cortex, 25(3), pp. 479-488. ISSN 0010-9452
Pickering, Alan; Mayes, Andrew R and Fairbairn, Andrew F. 1989. Amnesia and memory for modality information. Neuropsychologia, 27(10), pp. 1249-1259. ISSN 0028-3932
Mayes, Andrew R; Meudell, Peter R; Mann, David and Pickering, Alan. 1988. Location of lesions in Korsakoff's syndrome: neuropsychological and neuropathological data on two patients. Cortex, 24(3), pp. 367-388. ISSN 0010-9452
Pickering, Alan; Mayes, AR and Shoqeirat, M. 1988. Priming Tasks in Normal Subjects: What Do They Reveal About Amnesia? Practical Aspects of Memory: Clinical and educational implications, 2,
Mayes, Andrew R; Pickering, Alan and Fairbairn, Andrew. 1987. Amnesic sensitivity to proactive interference: Its relationship to priming and the causes of amnesia. Neuropsychologia, 25(1), pp. 211-220. ISSN 0028-3932
Meudell, PR; Mayes, AR; Ostergaard, A and Pickering, Alan. 1985. Recency and frequency judgements in alcoholic amnesics and normal people with poor memory. Cortex, 21(4), pp. 487-511. ISSN 0010-9452
Mayes, AR; Meudell, PR and Pickering, Alan. 1985. Is organic amnesia caused by a selective deficit in remembering contextual information? Cortex, 21(2), pp. 167-202. ISSN 0010-9452