Anti-Racism Training

We are working towards mandatory Anti-Racism Training for all Goldsmiths staff.

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In 2019 Goldsmiths Anti-Racist Action (GARA) occupied Deptford Town Hall for 137-days, with aim of tackling institutional racism.

GARA had listed a number of demands to materialise change, all of which were agreed by Goldsmiths College’s Senior Management Team (SMT). One of these demands was "Mandatory training for ALL staff, including SMT".

After the occupation ended, a working group was established to curate the anti-racism training, with the aim of identifying a suitable provider to facilitate the training and ensure the successful roll-out of the mandatory training for all academic and professional services staff at Goldsmiths. 

Following a thorough tender process, Abdul Choudhary and Rameri Moukam were appointed to deliver training. Rollout started in the academic year 2023-24, with listening events for staff to share their unique perspectives and experiences around race at Goldsmiths. 

By April 2024, three cohorts of senior colleagues had taken part in three-day in-person training sessions, including a half day on Action Learning Facilitation. Work towards training for all staff is ongoing.


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