Race Justice Strategy Board

The Race Justice Strategy Board is responsible for ensuring the College is effectively challenging racial injustice.

Primary page content

The Race Justice Strategy Board was formed in September 2021. Through its discussions and recommendations, the Board works to ensure that the College is advancing race equality and implementing and evaluating the Race Justice Strategy.  

The Board is committed to three in-person meetings per academic year, and an annual away day. A review of the Race Justice Strategy Board in 2023-24 saw the expansion of the membership, drawing in more representatives from different areas of the College.

Board membership



Board Co-Chairs

Frances Corner

Natalia-Nana Lester-Bush

Board Secretary

Stella Mavropoulou

Academic Staff representative

James Ohene-Djan

Professional Services representative

Samantha Rowe

GREG representatives

Andrew Linton

Jennifer Isidore

Ozlem Salih

GARA representative

Lara Paquete Pereira

Student Union representative

Victoria Chwa

Heads of School

Matthew Cragoe

Adam Dinham

Stephen Graham

Head of Equalities, Diversity, and Inclusion

Waqar Ali

Representative for People and Organisational Development


Pro-Warden Education and Student Experience

Workstream Lead: Decolonising the Curriculum

Ernest Caldwell

Race Equality Charter (REC) Officer

Currently vacant

Race Justice Projects Officer

Yasmin Campbell

Director of Library Services

Andrew Preater

School EDI Coordinators

Sarah Cefai

Kerry Murphy

Ashok Jansari

Deirdre Osborne

Project Officer, People and Organisational Development

Dawn Foster

Staff LGBTQ+ Network Chair

Panagiotis Pentaris

Staff Disability Network Co-Chairs

Una Coyne

Keri France

Nils Hagelberg

Roselind Sinclair

Staff Parents and Carers Network Chair

Jack Kirby-Lowe

Women@Goldsmiths Network Co-Chairs

Dila Aslan

Kocoa Brown

Staff Menopause Network Co-Chairs

Sevasti-Melissa Nolas

Laura Potter

Legal and Governance representatives

Matthew Brooks

Matthew Broderick

Jules Spain

Estates and Facilities representative

Everton Williams

International Development and Partnerships representative

Geraint Fox