Migrant Futures Institute

Redefining migration studies through creative inquiry and civic engagement.

Goldsmiths is launching the Migrant Futures Institute, a groundbreaking centre focused on advancing migration studies and dedicated to addressing the challenges faced by migrants through research, innovation, and community collaboration. This project is possible thanks to the support of Oak Foundation.  

Contact the Migrant Futures Institute: mfi (@gold.ac.uk)

The Migrant Futures Institute will provide a platform for people to critically engage with migration issues, challenge existing paradigms, and envision migrant futures filled with hope, resilience, and dignity.

We will work together with migrants and refugees, and with partners in the UK and internationally, to co-produce new knowledge and opportunities, challenge ways of thinking that create division and hostility, and help generate more hopeful futures for people who move, and the communities who host them.
Designed to deliver immediate and long-term impact, the Migrant Futures Institute will:

  • Reshape the discourse and practices surrounding migration
  • Sit at the forefront of innovative research and training in the field of migration studies
  • Challenge conventional approaches to migration
  • Serve as a dynamic space for critical inquiry, creative practice and collaboration.

We aim to work closely both with people with migrant and refugee backgrounds and in communities of welcome to amplify diverse voices, challenge dominant narratives, and foster deeper understandings of migration, citizenship, and belonging.

Professor Frances Corner OBE, Warden, Goldsmiths, University of London

The photo at the top of our pages

This is a photo of a refugees protest at Victoria Square in Athens after borders to the north of Greece were closed in February 2016. It was taken by Sumita Shah (Athens Volunteers Information and Co-ordination Group).