About the Centre for Art and Ecology

The Centre supports practice-based interdisciplinary research in the expanded field of art and ecology.

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The Centre for Art and Ecology is a platform for interdisciplinary artistic research that supports liveable ecosystems from within a dense urban environment in which inequalities are exacerbated by climate change impacts, including pollution, biodiversity and habitat loss, and food and energy poverty.

The Centre focuses on practice-led research in the expanded field of art and ecology, investigating interdisciplinary modes of engagement with urban ecologies; living systems; rewilding; biomaterials; regenerative food systems; citizen science; climate change resilience; depollution; cultural and scientific meanings of plants, soil, atmospheres, the planetary and the cosmic; interfaces and intra-actions of nature, technology and data.

Rooted in research that explores how planetary health is intricately connected with social justice, the Centre for Art and Ecology aims to cultivate a unique test site within the urban biome of Lewisham.

The Centre for Art and Ecology is linked to the Art Research Garden, Art and Ecology Laboratory and a kitchen that is in development in partnership with the Kitchen Research Unit. These facilities are connected to the borough’s network of green spaces and partner organisations with a strong agenda of community engagement.

The Centre seeks to foster new approaches and strategies to ecological issues in dialogue with decolonial, eco-feminist, queer and crip studies, nurturing an international network of researchers and partner organisations to produce world-leading practice-based research.

Contact the Centre for Art and Ecology: centreforartandecology (@gold.ac.uk)