Centre for Art and Ecology Members

Meet the members, researchers and academics involved in the Centre for Art and Ecology

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Director: Dr Ros Gray

Ros is a writer and researcher who collaborates with artists, curators, scientists, growers, foragers and activists to explore the possibilities for ‘planetary rewilding’, which she understands as a mode of ecological engagement that involves long term, sensitive attention to particular places, more-than-human communities and marginalised histories and knowledges.

She has a particular interest in soil care and led the NERC Creative Climate Partnership ‘Sensing Soil’ with Dr Jacqueline Hannam and artist Harun Morrison in collaboration with Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network at the Art Research Garden at Goldsmiths.

Director: Dr Anna Colin

Anna is a curator whose interdisciplinary practice encompasses the pedagogical, the social, the ecological and the horticultural.

Alongside her collaborative curatorial projects, which increasingly engage placing art at the service of human and non-human ecosystems and the creation and care for biodiverse environments, Anna has been training in horticulture, permaculture design and arboriculture, and volunteering on small-scale agroecological farms.

Goldsmiths members

External members

Advisory Board