Centre for Art and Ecology Projects

Read about past and present projects based in the Centre for Art and Ecology.

Primary page content

Seeding the Garden

Seeding the Garden (2022) by Dr Anna Colin initiated research into how the Art Research Garden is situated within a network of green spaces across Lewisham and art research gardens internationally. It included the commissioning of a functional artwork in the Art Research Garden by Harun Morrison and Paul Granjon.

Sensing Soil NERC Creative Climate Partnership

Sensing Soil (2021-22) was led by Dr Ros Gray in partnership with soil scientist Dr Jacqueline Hannam, artist Harun Morrison and the Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network. It explored different methods for sensing soil and understanding its capacities to support life and capture carbon through sight, touch, smell and listening.

CHASE Research Methods Series What Can a Garden Be?

What Can a Garden Be? (2020-21) was public lecture and doctoral research methods workshop series organised by Dr Ros Gray and supported by the CHASE consortium to develop ideas and critical thinking about setting up a garden within Goldsmiths to support ecological artistic research, knowledge exchange and public engagement.