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Metadata 9 swinging

He was educated in the first cohort of the firsthigh school in Japan that specialised in engineering. ... After his school he did not go to university, but becameimmediately a professional computer engineer, as it was believed atthat time that a

Rag Trade

International links with schools in Bangladesh. Resources. Photos of places where people work (post office, restaurant, bakery etc) taken during walk round local area. ... Home-school links. Draw on parents’ experiences of jobs in the UK and home

The Old Woman & The Red Pumpkin

I haven’t done work like this in school before, it was kind of a Bangla lesson with my. ... were doing it at Bengali school with my teacher and that helped.’ (a pupil who.


The further potential of intergenerational exchange Grandparents play a particular role in children’s learning which needs to be recognised and built on by schools. ... Hermitage Primary School now plans to offer ICT workshops for grandparents,
