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1 GOLDSMITHS University of London COUNCIL 30 November 2016 ...

Already important amendments have been tabled, including that there be student representation at the Office of Students and that the Secretary of State direct powers are decreased. ... i) Dean of the Graduate School Board; (ii) Academic Director of TaLIC;


Seventeen children from two Tower Hamlets primary schools participated: School A Year 2 (4 children) Year 4 (5 children) School B Year 2 (4 children) Year 6 (4 children). ... Teachers now understood their pupils’ identities more fully. As one put it,

1 Equality and Diversity Annual Report 2016 - 2017 ...

Examples of activities outlined in our Access Agreement include, but are not limited to, working with schools in the local borough to raise pupils aspirations about a potential future in Higher ... direct impact on some staff. Figure 10:. Gender Identity,
