Working for yourself
At Goldsmiths we promote creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.
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Whether you want to work for yourself, set up your own company or redefine your industry, we can support you every step of the way. From researching business ideas to looking for funding, the Careers Service at Goldsmiths offers one-to-one sessions to help you achieve your dreams.
The course and the tutors encouraged me to be entrepreneurial, to do my own thing and not rely on others to create opportunities for me.
Alana, MFA Curating

There are a number of different ways of working for yourself. These include:
Setting yourself up as self-employed/freelancing
Working as freelance or self-employed means that you will usually be undertaking fixed contract or project based work. This is a particularly common way of working in the creative industries, and offers the freedom of being your own boss. The offer extensive advice on how to set up as self-employed and work for yourself.
Setting up a business
There are three main ways to set up your own business. These depend on what you want to achieve, how you’d like to work, and what resources you have available:
- Sole trader
- Ltd companies
- Partnerships
Visit for further information and to choose which option is right for you.
Writing a detailed business plan can be the key to getting access to the funding you need to start a successful business. Careers Service at Goldsmiths offers one-to-one advice on how to complete a business plan and the best ways to fund your new business.
You can also check the Princes Trust and for additional support on how to write a business plan and apply for funding.
Careers Service
The Careers Service offers dedicated advice to students planning to set up their own business or project. This includes one-to-one sessions where you can:
- Refine and research your ideas
- Take the first steps to turn your ideas into reality
- Look for funding
- Market your product or service
- Advice on business plans and competition applications
Find out more about what the Careers Service can offer you.
Clubs and societies
Set up by our current students, the Business Society at Goldsmiths Students' Union helps to develop your inner entrepreneur. Whether discussing business ideas with your peers, or hearing from guest speakers, it's a great way to start your journey in business. Visit our Students' Union website to find out more about the Business Society.
At Goldsmiths, our Enterprise team is dedicated to working with the local, national and international communities. They can help support and grow your business by sharing knowledge and expertise.
Watch our video on how we can help you stand out in the world of work.