Department of Sociology Sociology is a craft, a vocation, and is transformative to study. Programmes Integrated Degree in Sociology MA Human Rights, Culture & Social Justice BA (Hons) Anthropology & Sociology MA Brands, Communication & Culture BA (Hons) Sociology MA Gender, Media & Culture BA (Hons) Politics, Philosophy & Economics MA Photography & Urban Cultures BA (Hons) Sociology with Criminology MA Sociology BA (Hons) Environment & Social Change MSc Social Research MA Race, Media & Social Justice MA Sociology (Inventive Urban Research) MPhil/PhD Sociology MPhil/PhD Visual Sociology Sociology pages About the department We are interested in pushing the discipline forward and are known for pioneering ‘Live Sociology’. Studying sociology What it is like to be a student, developing key skills and knowledge, benefiting from support and our expertise. People Profiles of our academics, visiting and emeritus colleagues and the work of our research students. Events Events from the department that are open to the public, students and staff. Contact us How to contact us about working or studying with us. Research-led teaching Culture, Identity and Inequalities Find out how our research in culture, identity and inequalities feed into teaching BA Sociology. Health, Environment and Global Change Find out how our research in health, environment and global change feeds into teaching BA Sociology. Law, Justice and Rights Find out how our research in law, justice and rights feeds into teaching BA Sociology Sociology research Research culture and outputs Our research culture is collaborative, dynamic, and outward-facing. Centres and Units Practice on climate change, global health, migration, racism, gender diversity and the philosophy of governance. PhD students Meet our students and read about the work they are doing. Teaser cards linking to other pages Postgraduate funding opportunities Sociology funding