Fauzia Ahmad BSc, MSc, PhD

Fauzia is a qualitative feminist researcher with research interests in gendered ethnic and faith identities.

Staff details

Fauzia Ahmad BSc, MSc, PhD


Senior Lecturer




f.ahmad (@gold.ac.uk)

Fauzia Ahmad joined the Department in September 2017. After a degree in Biology from UCL, she moved into the social sciences by completing an MSc in Social Anthropology also at UCL, and eventually gaining her PhD in Sociology from the University of Bristol. She previously worked for several years at Brunel University in the Dept of Social Work as a Research Associate and later Lecturer, at the University of Bristol as a Research Fellow, as the Senior Research Officer for the Commission for Racial Equality, and a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Muslim Cultures (ISMC) at the Aga Khan University, UK. More recently, she taught qualitative research methods across Master’s programmes in the Department of Political Science at UCL. She was also a full-time carer for several years.


Fauzia teaches on the MSc in Social Research and contributes towards undergraduate research methods teaching.

Publications and research outputs


Ahmad, Fauzia. 2020. Racism — Nature must track diversity of staff and publications. Nature, 582, 488. ISSN 0028-0836

Ahmad, Fauzia. 2018. An Alternative Valentines Day – Being Muslim and Single in the City. Street Signs: CUCR Blog,


Ahmad, Fauzia. 2018. BBC Radio 4: Beyond Belief - Spinsterhood. "Muslim men are looking for wives and the women are looking for companions.”.

Book Section

Ahmad, Fauzia. 2024. Between Invisibility and Hypervisibility: Reflections on being ‘Permanently Precarious’ as a British Muslim Woman within the Ivory Towers of academia. In: Arif Mahmud and Maisha Islam, eds. Uncovering Islamophobia in Higher Education: Supporting the Success of Muslim Students and Staff. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031652523

Ahmad, Fauzia. 2016. Do Young British Muslim Women Need Rescuing? In: Sadek Hamid, ed. Young British Muslims: Between Rhetoric and Realities. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 39-59. ISBN 9781472475558

Ahmad, Fauzia; Raja, Mizan and Omar, Mustafa. 2016. Getting Married – British Muslim Style. In: S. Abdallah Schleifer, ed. The Muslim 500: The World's 500 Most Influential Muslims, 2016. 2016 Amann, Jordan: The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre, pp. 218-222. ISBN 9789975428372

Conference or Workshop Item

Ahmad, Fauzia. 2024. 'Respondent to ‘Beyond Decolonization: Alternative approaches to the humanities and social sciences beyond Islamisation’, by Dr Shamim Miah (Huddersfield University)'. In: New Perspectives on Revival and Renewal of the Muslim Civilisation. Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom 27 April 2024.

Ahmad, Fauzia. 2021. 'How Can We Decolonize Research on Muslims and Islam? Some Epistemological Issues, Tensions and Reflections from a Gendered Perspective'. In: SIAS Lectures 4. Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University, Japan 21 February 2020.

Ahmad, Fauzia. 2017. 'Standing on our own two feet. Higher educational choices, experience and realities among minority women'. In: MiRA Resource Centre for Black, Immigrant and Refugee Women, Annual Conference. Oslo, Norway 23 November 2017.


Ahmad, Fauzia. 2019. ‘The British Muslim Marriage Crisis’.

Research Interests

She is a qualitative feminist researcher with research interests and publications focusing on gendered ethnic and faith and identities with a particular specialism on Muslim families in Britain, and second and third generation British Muslim women’s identities, representations and experiences of higher education, employment, social welfare, Muslim feminisms and Islamophobia. She is currently engaged in research with British Muslim men and women on their marital partner-searching strategies and relationships, and experiences of divorce and legal and counselling services.

She is a member of the Editorial Board on the journal Gender and Education, and an Affiliate Member at the Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, in the Department of Sociology, University of Bristol.