Landing and navigating pages

These are the rules and guides for the layout of landing and navigating pages for Goldsmiths areas and services.

Primary page content

Start of pages

The subject of the page or name of service in a few words.


  • Use words the audience would be searching for. These may be different to what the content is called


  • Be one line

Must not:

  • Be longer than two lines
  • End with a full stop

Should not:

  • Use abbreviations or acronyms unless they are commonly used terms people will be searching for. If they are used they should be explained within the page

This is a short description of what is the page or service is about and should confirm to the user they are on the right page.  It works together with the page title.



  • End with a full stop


  • Assume the reader knows nothing about the page’s content
  • Be one or two lines long

Must not:

  • Be longer than three lines

This will change for pages in the new Visual Identity.

The background and text colour of the area on the left is dictated by the section of the website the page is in (eg the Students section is green and yellow).

The image defaults to one of the Ben Pimlott squiggle.

It can be changed to be:

  • An image that represents what the service provides - this must have a gradient map with the bottom left colour in Photoshop set to 55 – 66 – 74.
  • The visual identity of the service - this does not need the gradient map

The standard image size is 1216x347.  For services with a large image on the their landing page it is 1216x640.


Links must be one line without a full stop

Descriptions should explain what is on the page or the benefit of reading the page.  Ideally, they will all be two lines.  They can be one.  If absolutely necessary they can be three lines, but aim to make them consistent on the page.  They must have full stops.

There should be 1-6 links in a section.  This may go to 9 but consider breaking them up more.  There must never be more than 9 in a section.

Links must be one line without a full stop.

Descriptions must be three or four lines with a full stop.

Should not be more than three in a section.

Can be either:

  • An intro sentence followed by 3 or 4 links
  • A three-line paragraph containing a description and links

Should be consistent on the page.

Must not be more than three in a section.

Used to contain many links that can be grouped into a section.

Links should only be one line.  If unavoidable they can wrap onto a second. Never onto a third.

Should only be used where the link titles are self-explanatory.

These are only for use on major service landing pages (eg Library, IT&IS), where there are two primary actions and contact us.

It can be adapted for different circumstances. Contact Communications for advice.

CTA boxes should be a list of three links with a CTA button:

They could be text with links, text must not be longer than three lines:

Opening hours should be in this format with a green contact button:


  • Be used to warn people if the content of the page is not relevant to everyone and link the correct source of information


  • Be used at the top of the page

Should not:

  • Be more than two lines long