Accommodation maintenance issues

What to do and who to contact if something is broken or not working properly.

Primary page content

This page is for residents of Loring Hall. Who to contact for other residences.

General maintenance and corrective work

If something is broken or damaged in the building, communal area(s), bedroom or bathroom you should report it online to Estates and Facilities or by emailing estates (

Emergency and urgent issues

Call the Estates Help Desk (020 7919 7121) or Security on (020 7919 7979) for anything that requires urgent repair or presents a danger to people.

How we deal with problems

Accommodation Services and Estates and Facilities are committed to providing you with transparency around timeliness of repairs.

The repairs that are logged will be categorised by the Estates Help Desk and will fall into these timescales:

Priority One*

Emergency Repairs

These would be any repairs required to avoid a danger to health, a risk to the safety of residents or serious damage to buildings or residents’ belongings.

Acknowledgement within 2 hours and attendance within 6 hours.

The site will be made safe within 2/6 hours depending on the issue and subsequent repairs will be undertaken as soon as possible.

We aim to deal with these within 4 to 24 hours of becoming aware of the problem.

Priority Two

Urgent Repairs

These would be any repairs which materially affect the comfort or convenience of the residents.

Acknowledgement within 1 working day.

We aim to deal with these within 1 to 5 working days of the report of the defect.

Priority Three

Non-Urgent Repairs

These would be any repairs not falling within the above categories.

Acknowledgement within 2 working days.

We aim to deal with these within 10 to 28 working days of a report of a defect.

* Please ensure these are reported in person or over the phone (020 7919 7121) and provide as much information as possible.