Academic Appeals (Stage Two)

How to request a final internal review following the decision on an appeal.

Primary page content

If you are unhappy with the Stage One outcome you may be able to request a final internal review of your appeal (Stage Two).

You must submit your Stage Two appeal form within 21 days of receiving your Stage One outcome. Appeals received outside of this timeframe will be deemed out of time unless you are able to provide, within the Stage Two Appeal Form, adequate reasons for the delayed submission along with supporting evidence.

A Stage Two appeal may only be submitted under one of the following grounds

  1. There were procedural irregularities in the conduct of the appeal
  2. Fresh evidence can be presented which could not reasonably have been made available with submission of the Stage One Form
  3. The outcome of the appeal was not reasonable in all the circumstances

How the review works

A link to the Stage Two appeal form and the deadline to submit a Stage Two appeal will be included in the Stage One outcome letter.

Your Stage Two review request will first be assessed by a different member of the Student Casework team than the Stage One appeal. This is to avoid any conflict of interest or perception of bias.

If the student caseworker decides that your review request does not set out valid grounds – to be without merit – then the Stage Two decision will not be reconsidered.

A letter or email will be sent to you, confirming that your appeal is dismissed and stating that the College’s internal procedures have been completed (a Completion of Procedures Letter).

If your Stage Two appeal appears to set out valid grounds, a review will be undertaken by the student casework officer and a member of the Registry Operations Team. In the course of investigating a Stage Two appeal, we may request that you provide further or alternative evidence.

The decision of the College at Stage Two will be final, and will be confirmed to you in writing. If your Stage Two appeal is upheld or partially upheld, but you are still dissatisfied with the outcome, you may request a Completion of Procedures Letter.