ASOS and MAB 2023-24 complaints

Information on making a complaint about the Action Short of a Strike (ASOS) or Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB) at Goldsmiths in 2023-24.

Primary page content

This page has been archived as a record of what was published around industrial action in 2023-24.

Impact of Action Short of a Strike (ASOS) and Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB)

We are only able to investigate complaints regarding the impact of the marking and assessment boycott from students who have had their final (i.e. non-provisional) transcript published for 2023-24.

We will not be able to consider complaints from students regarding the MAB until we are able to investigate its full impact. This means that you can only complain about the impact of the MAB immediately after any results affected by the MAB are published and only if these results are not provisional.

The deadline for complaints will be three months from the date of your published transcript.